ANH Tusken Raider Respirator Parts


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever identified exactly what the parts are that were used for the respirators on the ANH Tusken Raiders? I've seen mention of a filter being used, but never the exact type. Does anyone know? I'm working on updating my Tusken and would like to make my respirator look more like the original. Thanks!

This is the cylinder hung around the neck yes? I belive it was an oil or air filter. Found this pic on here a while back -


Judging by the line visible under the leather strip it looks like 2 ends stuck together. Kinda looks like aerosol cans.
The 501st's Tusken costuming site is almost devoid of posts on any subject. Know of any other resources?
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Yes, that's the part.

Cool picture! It would make sense that it's 2 pieces since most of the fuel filters I've seen only have the raised rim on on side.

Does anyone know for certain what type of filter it is (eg. fuel/air) and what it was used on (make, model, etc.)? Thanks!

I'm almost certain that it is NOT two aerosol cans joined together. If anything, it is an oil or (most likely)fuel filter, automotive or quite possibly aircraft. The fittings on the end are a dead giveaway.. the size is correct as well. The seam you are seeing can be one of two things: a mark on the thin leather, or a fine weld in the actual product. Off the shelf is the way to look at this one, not aerosol cans or machined parts.

For mine, I used an old fuel filter from a modified, junked 1960's toyota land cruiser I found sitting at George AFB here in California. It seemed to be the closest match at the time.
This is the cylinder hung around the neck yes? I belive it was an oil or air filter. Found this pic on here a while back -


Judging by the line visible under the leather strip it looks like 2 ends stuck together. Kinda looks like aerosol cans.
The 501st's Tusken costuming site is almost devoid of posts on any subject. Know of any other resources?
Can anyone post this picture close up(larger)or post any good ref pictures of ANH tuskens.I will be starting my Godzilla kit soon and need some good shots.Thanks
Great pics, thanks! The original seems to be different than the one that was used in the Star Wars Where Imagination Meets Science tour (see below). The original looks like it has a rim on both ends near the leather. The round piece also looks like it is a seperate piece rather than all one piece as on the one below.

Definitely looks like a different piece than what's on tour.

Here's a pic from Boston


Perhaps the tour piece is one of the background raiders.

I still think the original (at least on the hero) is a fuel filter. Were the tunisia props from california or bapty? That may determine which cars (or other vehicles) to start looking at.

I think the props were all from Bapty. Maybe, since mostly everything else was taken from airplane parts, this was too?

I definitely believe it's a fuel filter and it's probably from an airplane. Weren't a lot of the parts they used from the Rolls Royce Derwent engine? I thought I saw a diagram of one of these on the RPF but I can't find it. Anyone have one so we can look to see if there is a similiar part to respirator?

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Here's an old RAF schematic of the engine. Look at the fuel filter (bottom right). Maybe two put together?

I've got a partial Derwent engine at my mum's place and I can tell you that the filter is too big. It has been suggested that it was used on the Sandtrooper backpack though.
Definitely looks like a different piece than what's on tour.

Here's a pic from Boston


Perhaps the tour piece is one of the background raiders.

I still think the original (at least on the hero) is a fuel filter. Were the tunisia props from california or bapty? That may determine which cars (or other vehicles) to start looking at.

If you look close enough to first weld ring it looks like this has been hand welded
Definitely looks like a different piece than what's on tour.

Here's a pic from Boston


Perhaps the tour piece is one of the background raiders.

I still think the original (at least on the hero) is a fuel filter. Were the tunisia props from california or bapty? That may determine which cars (or other vehicles) to start looking at.

If you look close enough to first weld ring it looks like this has been hand welded
This is the cylinder hung around the neck yes? I belive it was an oil or air filter. Found this pic on here a while back -


Judging by the line visible under the leather strip it looks like 2 ends stuck together. Kinda looks like aerosol cans.
The 501st's Tusken costuming site is almost devoid of posts on any subject. Know of any other resources?

Yes. I beleive that you are correct. Most filters will have a seal that runs around the filter at the center, if you leave the raised ridge intact it will be visiable underneath the leather once it is applied. However, if you attempt to girnd down the seal (ridge) you will end up seperating the two halves. This can go in your favor because having done this you can then repeat it with a second filter and then place the two halves that have the "nipple" and attach them together...thus saving the effort to weld or attach the needed nipple on the opposite end. Does this make sense? If I can manage to upload some pics of the one I put together it might be easier to understand what I am talking about:wacko
These are pics of a drum that I made for somebody a few years ago:




It's sort of a hybrid between the hero/background props shown above since I don't have the lip around the end of the center barrel.

The main barrel on my replica is an automotive fuel filter from Kragen... well actually two of them. Only one end had the cone shape so I had to cut them in half and put the two ends together. The hero prop is somewhat larger in diameter than mine, but it's about right for the background one.

The middle step-down with the ridges is cast from a vintage WD 40 cap. You can see the red color coming through the paint in the photos in the Star Wars Chronicles. I believe the vintage WD 40 cap is the correct part for this piece.

The nut on the end is one of the few decently accurate parts that I've ever found at a regular hardware store. I just can't remember which one. It might have been Home Depot actually which would be even more remarkable. The piece I found is brass and had to be painted.

The wire/tubing is automotive fuel line which is in step with the filter usage. I think what I have there is 1/16" too thick, but it matched the inside diameter on the nut part. Maybe we could find a smaller nut part on McMaster or something. I think 3/16" would be more accurate. I think I have 1/4" shown there.
