anakins AOTC/ROTS prostetic arm.


Well-Known Member
is the anyone on the board here who has attempted to make this?
does there exist a research thread on this?

would like to build one if its possible to so and if it doesnt cost an arm and leg.

this is the only thing i have on it.

so intrest,thought and ideas to realise this for myself and other members would be great.
I think the hardest part of this would be creating the finger joints, but to get accurate detail on that you'd need to see the other side of the hand. The rest of it looks like metal tubing that allows the strings/cables to travel through without binding and brackets to keep the tubes all parallel. Decorate it with some wires and dress it up with a cloth sleeve and that should be pretty much it. The other end is just a pistol grip that the operator holds and the fingers slip through the key rings and are pulled to simulate the finger movements.

Best of luck to you! Looks like a cool project!
it doesnt need to be functional just a static prop,a bit like the T2 arm.
think ill check the visual dictionary to see if that holds something...
I know it is not accurate in any way, shape or form and may not be exactly what you are looking for. However, you could mod the The Star Wars Science Darth Vader Robotic Arm. I think it's way too small though


would like to build one if its possible to so and if it doesnt cost an arm and leg.

No pun intended, right? ;)

I seem to remember that someone built one after AOTC, but can't remember who. And keep in mind, the one in each film was very different.
The design of the basic gold skeleton was the same in both films, they just added extra black pieces in ROTS to bulk it up to fit the profile/silhouette of the hand.

A wearable ROTS version is on my to-do list for this year.
I know it is not accurate in any way, shape or form and may not be exactly what you are looking for. However, you could mod the The Star Wars Science Darth Vader Robotic Arm. I think it's way too small though


can this arm be bought anywhere?
and is it full scale?
modding or using components may be the wat to go....
There was a toy robot hand/arm that fit over your own people were using for a while to make them. With a little detail work they didn't look half bad. I think the toy was called "Awesome Arm" or something of that nature.
