An old X-wing... made new


Well-Known Member
I recently was digging through some stuff and found an old MPC snapkit X-wing. I had painted it this awful color grey and black probably 15 years ago. Anyway, I decided to spiff it up. I couldn't fix the awfulness of the model itself and the paint job in the cockpit (glued shut) but the rest got an overhaul. I don't own an airbush unfortunately, so everything was handpainted.

I don't even compare to most of the talented people on this forum, but I thought I would share because the talented people here inspire me to work on my own modelling/painting skills. Thanks for that...
Look good! Hard to see its handpainted.

A spray can go a long way if you want to wait getting an airbrush, and still get flakings or good surface.
Spray? You mean regular spray paint? Doesn't the paint come out too quickly to produce any good effects (ie burn marks, etc)
Yes you are right. Not good for details.

I sometimes use pastels for burn marks etc. Oil colours is also good for it.

So if you spray base coat, and masked areas, then use pastels and/or oil colour for the marks with a cotton bud. Seal the pastels with spray varnish.

I can recommend getting an airbrush. It makes it all more fun IMO (and the color costs drop (did for me anyway -spray is expensive).

Just my two cents.