AMTronic "Trek" style shuttlecraft

JP Modelworks

Active Member
I've been working on a neat conversion of the re-released AMT AMTronic "Future" car kit. It looked so much like a "trek" style shuttle that I had to go ahead and convert it over. The major change is closing up the wheelwells and building the warp engines. I made up a pattern out of REN shape and vacuformed the upper and lower halves of the engines. More to follow! Enjoy.
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Looking very nice.

I like that you're doing something with the nose, and the greeblie holes on the underside, and the bussard collectors.

"It looked so much like a "trek" style shuttle that I had to go ahead and convert it over."

You're not looks more of a ST subject than a future car. Good luck on your project.

Now that's just awesome. Great idea, and the execution is also looking pretty stellar so far. Can't wait to see the finished product.
Sorry to say that I haven't been able to get back to this project as yet. I'm working on two major scratch-builds for a BIG model show/contest in May.
As soon as the show I done, I'll be getting back to the shuttle. :thumbsup

They are on the RPF under ECS NORRIS and USS daVinci.