AMT/ERTL Millennium Falcon cut-away startup


Active Member
Now my Slave I build is nearing the end, it's time to start up my new project, which will be the MPC MF cut-away version.

It's brewing in my head for some time now and with the things I've learned from the Slave build I'm confident enough to finally have a go at it.
What really inspired me to buy this kit a couple of years ago was the youtube vid of modelmanTom, later followed by how heliopilot27 took it to the next level.

On top of my to do list is buying some models for modifications. I know there are a lot of skilled builders out there that have gone through this proces so I'd be greatfull to hear from them what models are the best for kitbashing.

One thing I'm not gonna do is scratch building the mandibles, as it will give a lot of trouble with the interior section of this kit. Just some modifications and greeblies to get more 3D in it.

My to do list for now:

- Scratch build the front landinggear boxes. If anyone could give me the dimensions on those it would be helpfull. Gonna prey on my old MF that I've build 15 years ago for doors and landing gear.

- Lights (of course!)

- Chiseling away parts on the back and replace them with greeblies. No experience with chiseling on models. Help and tips on tools and how to procede on that is more than welcome!

- Photo edge parts upgrade. I hope somebody out there has a set for this kit for me!

- Having a go at the cockpit. Seen many options and ideas on that. Don't know which way to go on that yet.

- a whole lot of precision painting to do that interior justice!
I have an old falconkits upgrade kit... met me see if I can find it and take some measures for you.

Jedi Dade
Hope these help



Jedi Dade
Starting easy:

Cutting out parts and getting rid of all the sprue (is that what you call the overspill? Now I know again why I love my fine molds models. so much work to do and such poor fitting.
Also filled all the notches on the edges, chiseled a bit and tried some left over from my X and Y-wings.

Bad casting, needed some work

The left's allready better looking

could work, but need more greeblies. What model kits qualify? Thoughts anyone?
One way to get the forward cargo bays is off another MPC/AMT falcon. Find a partially assembled one on e bay. Use the rear cargo bay and modify it inside side walls ect.

I've done this on a couple of Falcons builds in the past.

Here is an example left and right side shots:
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One way to get the forward cargo bays is off another MPC/AMT falcon. Find a partially assembled one on e bay. Use the rear cargo bay and modify it inside side walls ect.

I've done this on a couple of Falcons builds in the past.

Thanks. Idea crossed my mind. Still have a 15 year old falcon hanging on the ceiling of my sons bedroom. If scratching doesnt work I'll give that a go.
Made 3 cardboard mockup untill I was satisfied with the dimensions.


Cut it up and used them for the styreen plates.

Still needs some sanding and putty, but all ready less seems than the model.


Seems... to be a problem on this kit. Hard work to get them fitted.
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Finished the landing gear bays. Still have todo the relief plates, but the hobbyshop had to order the 0,25 mm styreen. So that'll come later.

Nothing fits 1st time on this kit. Having warp issues with some parts. Being stored for so many many many years bended one of the mandibles and the floorplate..

Attacked them with a hairdryer to straighten them out.


thanks for watching



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For lots of styrene removal, nothing helps like a Dremel tool & full range speed control.
Regards, Robert
For lots of styrene removal, nothing helps like a Dremel tool & full range speed control.
Regards, Robert

Thank you Robert. Don't have a dremel, but working with an oldfashioned jigsaw and files gives me a lot of control and precision when cutting away parts.
Thank you Robert. Don't have a dremel, but working with an oldfashioned jigsaw and files gives me a lot of control and precision when cutting away parts.

Aye, I was speaking of those situations where you have to remove a lot of plastic. I agree that rattail & riffler files are a modeler's best friends when refining parts & adjusting fit tolerances (aka "fettling".)
Regards, Robert
Aye, I was speaking of those situations where you have to remove a lot of plastic. I agree that rattail & riffler files are a modeler's best friends when refining parts & adjusting fit tolerances (aka "fettling".)
Regards, Robert

Thx for correcting my english! Hard to find the correct words when they're so specialized.
Allready had the feeling today I misplaced your comment in translation. I agree some jobs would be handy to have a dremel on the workbench. Did find out my hobbyknife with a curved blade on it is ideal for chiseling away the piping and details I don't want on the Hull.
Thx for correcting my english! Hard to find the correct words when they're so specialized.
Allready had the feeling today I misplaced your comment in translation. I agree some jobs would be handy to have a dremel on the workbench. Did find out my hobbyknife with a curved blade on it is ideal for chiseling away the piping and details I don't want on the Hull.
Knievel, I did not intend any correction my friend. We are speaking of the same concepts. I too rely heavily on my #10 Xacto blade but must keep it sharpened to prevent injury to myself!
And keep the CA glue handy for when I do slip and bleed! ;^P
Regards, Robert
Found some nice round screens with perfect dimensions for the vents. Might gonna use them. 3 guesses where I found these?

Also bought me a 1:72 tank and 1:24 ferrari for the much needed greeblies to give more depth to the model. Got some nice parts to play with. Working out ideas where to put them.
