"aliens: The New Hive": My Latest Fan Film

Very nice man i can tell you put in a ton of work on it . good job and the costumes were cool . maybe on the next one you can add a few friends to help out !
ThePriest said:
Very nice man i can tell you put in a ton of work on it . good job and the costumes were cool . maybe on the next one you can add a few friends to help out !

Glad you liked the movie.   :D

I do have friends who have offered to help--several wanna-be actors and someone who used to be a TV news cameraman.  But for me it's sort of a game just to see how sophisticated I can get all by myself.   :cool:

Next up, I think, will be "Aliens vs Stormtroopers". It'll probably be a few months--I'm still working on a script.
Really liked it..your a legend..only criticism I can make was that it was maybe a bit too long...loved It Through and will share with my friends..

sulaco1967 said:
Really liked it..your a legend..only criticism I can make was that it was maybe a bit too long...loved It Through and will share with my friends..

It is the longest film I've done. I could have trimmed it down by deleting some scenes, but didn't because I was actually curious to see if I could hold viewer interest for that long.  That's why there is a plot twist or an action scene pretty often.
One thing I wasn't happy with was the xeno heads---now that I see them on film, they look kinda lopsided.  I think I'll pepakura up a new one. And I think the body needs some more stuff around the abdomen.

I was happy with the way the xeno egg looked when it opens, though.   :)

The biggest headache was the fuzzy fur on the freighter crew---even with a backlight, the greenscreen was all over it, and it was a nightmare to color-key those characters.
Awesome work as always, LFlank. No preds needed to make this an awesome film. Actually, I like this one the best! I can see a series with the two main characters! I think you're onto something with this 'One Man Production'.  I think you should continue on this route, it's become your 'signature', lol! And you should look into submitting your fan films to 'DragonCon' TV.
Estelle said:
Awesome work as always, LFlank. No preds needed to make this an awesome film. Actually, I like this one the best! I can see a series with the two main characters! I think you're onto something with this 'One Man Production'.  I think you should continue on this route, it's become your 'signature', lol! And you should look into submitting your fan films to 'DragonCon' TV.

I'm glad you liked the movie.   :)

I like the Smilin Joe character, and I'm sure I'll revisit him again.  I see him as someone who, at core, loves humanity but can't stand PEOPLE (my favorite scene in the movie is when he risks his life by going one-on-one with the xeno armed only with a knife, then tells Captain Rel that if he steps in a puddle of that acid, they're not carrying him--I think that sums up the entire character). The reason Joe and the Korvok character are such inseparable and loyal friends is because Korvok never SAYS anything.   :D
love the film cant wait to see ur next one :) also i took ur edvise on how to make the alien mask and its coming out great im building it copletly out of baker rod and card bord lets hope it comes out looking great  :D .