Alien bambi burster build


New Member

So its been a looong time since ive been on these boards but the time has come for a new build! I was watching the special features on the alien box set (mainly creatures because, well, CrEATURES!) and i saw the test footage for the unused "bambi butster" puppet. So freaking cute! So given my prior forays into cosplay were unsuccessful due to the fact i just cant be in anyway sexy or have a camera pointed at me without gurning i thought why not make a puppet pull focus?

I did a super quick hellboy toothfairy puppet earlier in the year (literally a friday evening) and that was fun if so small as to be underwhelming so thinking bigger this time. I think the main challenges on the build will be making a single person controlled puppet that is manageable, vaugely realistic and recognisable as from the alien universe without ever being in the theatrical release. I also want to keep material costs as low as possible without compromising on the build.

Build plan:

So finding refrence was challenge one as i could initially just clip stills from the minute and a half long special feature! Thankfully the prop store sold a version of the puppet a while ago and the pics are still there, so far so good, alas totally different to the one in the special features. Turns out to be a blessing as now i can pick and choose (and plain invent) which i copy.

Movement and how much i want control: my main concern for this is potentially lugging a cumbersome puppet around a convention, i mean i do still want to browse and look at all the lovely artwork so mobility is a concern. My current thinking is like a push along toy, mount the puppet on a little trolly and have all the leg movement done via the wheels turning, not the most natural movement but totally frees me from dealing with limbs! Nice easy joint construction too ;p so assuming the trolly/skate has a long handle i can simply push him along, and if it has a prop/strut under the body the legs and joints are under very little strain.
The head i think i could control via rod with the other hand and if im feeling ambitious i could attempt a mouth open via cable control. This would i think give me maximum movement with minimum fuss, the trolly system makes for ease of transport and if i had a rest for the head rod on the trolly handle i could manouver it one handed.

Thoughts on movement greatly appreciated! Im currently working on a full scale drawing to make construction easier as the one thing i learnt from my witchblade build was having a solid plan/ drawing is invaluable and saves time later in the process.
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