Airsoft pulse rifle

heres mine but I got the kit form and a tokyo mauri airsoft and built it around that
Ahh, ok. I thought it was something new TM had come out with. The ad didn't say whose PR kit it was so I assumed the whole thing was TM.
Cool. Yeah the red shell is a downer but I'm sure that could be fixed with a little time on the lathe and some 6061 aluminum round stock. :)
Hi all

Out of interest those that have bought the PR kit, which one did you buy and what did you think of it in terms of build and quality.

I am currently looking at getting one, but as still considering the kits available.

:) Don
I got the extreme airsoft kit, came with a cd that had step by step photos on how to put the whole thing together including the wiring for the leds and the battery hookup to make the airsoft work.
I bought the G&P kit, which looks the same as the images in this thread. However, in my case there were several pieces missing and I had difficulty getting the lower grenade section halves to fit together. Still working on it.