Action figure scale


New Member
I have been wanting to start a couple custom models, utilizing modified 3.75" action figures. Now, according the 3.75" action figure size, the scale would be close to 1/19th correct? Or, would most suggest 1/18th as it is a "common" scale?
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I did a couple searches, but nothing came up. I hate asking for something that's been answered :)
Well something doesn't jive, there's no way my Star Wars figs would ever come close to fitting into my 1/18 scale cars, they're WAY to big.
well the math is simple enough

if a person is 5 foot 8 inches (average height)
that comes out to 68"

a 3.75" tall figure works out to 1/18.13333 scale
I was working off the assumption that an average US male at about 6' or so. Which is closer to 1/19.2. Of course, we call them 3 3/4 inch, but are they still 3 3/4 inches? Anyone have a stormtrooper fig from a modern line handy?
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Well, I got my vintage Han out, and his figure is 4" which at 1/18th, would be about right at his 6'1" at that time. Thanks for the input everyone.
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