A truly "Diabolical" Weapon

Darth Cross

Well-Known Member
I don't know how many of you guys are familiar with the movie Mom and Dad Save the World. But I've always had a bit of fondness for what could be the best (and possibly the stupidest :p )weapon of all time. Yes, I'm talking about the dreaded Light Grenade. :D

I've finally decided to make one of these. And while I know that it is not completely 100% accurate. I do believe that I've at least managed a reasonable copy of a fairly obscure item. Please let me know what you guys think of my attempt.

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"Uh, I think we're going to need some reenforcements here."

Thats cool. All you need now is a Death Cart. :p

Looks neat. Got a screenshot of it? I *think* I saw this film years ago. Did it have killer mushrooms in it?
Yep, there are killer mushrooms in the movie. Some time I'll have to try and make one of them, they are pretty cute. That is when they are not trying to eat you. :lol

It's good to know that there are some other people out there with, shall we say, "interesting" taste in movies. :p :D

I've got some screen captures of the original. But they're on my home computer, and I'm having some problems with my web connection. And of course the pics I posted are of the unfinished grenade. I've still got to add some paint and a "pin". I'll put up a couple more pics after I'm finished.

Cool prop. My kids watched it about a million times.And have seen it a few myself.( Just to see Kathy Irelands fine acting and skimpy outfit.)
Here it is...
PM me with any .....questions.

The diabolical weapon arrived. It's WAY cool.

Bill, you RAWK. :)

(Man, if I could only make this really work.... mwa ha ha ha!)