A second inception


New Member
I heard a rumour that all the actors are signed up for a second movie....would you want one?
I think the movie was perfect as it was and would gain nothing from a sequel...or did you just hate it and wouldnt want another?
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As long as Nolan is behind it I have no problem with it. None of his films have been stinkers that I have seen!
I'd rather see a prequel, which would cover the meeting of Leo and Marion's characters, as well as the beginning of their family, and obligatory sex scene, called Conception.

Har har har...?
I'd rather not see it happen, just for the fact that I'd rather not deal with the uninformed hype all over again and people raging over a stupid movie that they didn't understand.

But all that aside, I do NOT think the movie would benefit at all from a sequel. That just seems out of the question, and it seems like an obvious thing to me. I can't picture anyone involved in that movie thinking a sequel would be a good idea. But I guess I should be prepared to eat my words. After all, stranger things have happened.

No offense to you personally Yorks, but I'm pretty sure that rumor didn't come from anyone even close to being in the business.
Chris Nolan when asked said he wouldn't say no, but hadn't thought about it either. He said he would like to explore that world again, but in videogame form.
I would love to see another Inception, but not a sequel to the first inception. The movie had that special ending that just made you think. An explanation to the movie wouldn't really be the way I'd like.

I'd really like a movie that would maybe focus more on Arthur?
There's no need for it. The ending was exactly what it needed to be and no more, same for shutter island.
Disclaimer: The following opinion is just that of an Average Movie-Goer.

I don't think a prequel or sequel would be appropriate. One of the big killers of movie franchises in regards to audiences' emotional attachment to the story is an unnecessary or unexpected sequel or prequel.

Inception had this great, hard-to-put-your-finger-on-it feeling of being like a dream all on its own. It seemed to jump right in the middle of the story and end right in the middle of it too. The editing and pacing gave it a superbly evocative quality.

I think adding anything to it would diminish the perceptions of the quality of the original.

I'm glad with the Inception story and its characters the way it is. :)

I saw Tom Hardy on a chat show here in the UK a couple of weeks ago, just after he won his BAFTA. He said that, yes, all the stars had signed up for a 3 picture deal, but that that was just how contracts worked these days and that he absolutly did not think there would be a sequel.
There shouldn't be, but it doesn't surprise me that the studio signed 'em to a 3-pic deal. The story stands on its own and further explanation/exploration seems pointless except in something like video game form where you could just indulge in little one-off heists.
I would like to see a movie in the same universe but bring in a different team. Maybe one or two of the side characters could be in it. A prequil detailing the invention of entering dreams would be cool too.
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I think the movie stands brilliantly as a standalone film...especially with the final scene with the spinning top.

If they did go ahead with a Sequel, although Nolan is brilliant, I can only imagine it feeling much like what happened to the Matrix. I guess only time will tell.
If you think about it, we were only shown a brief glimpse of what could be accomplished in the dreamworld state and what kind of missions and use for the procedure. Like the first Matrix, there are so many possibilities and ways this could continue... but... like with the Matrix... they should just stop with the first. Leave it at the height, where the possibilities are endless... instead of making sequels that will only squash everything of potential the first one brought forth.

There is no need for a sequel or prequel or anything else. The only sequel we'll ever see / hear about (maybe not even that) is the porn spoof.
Like I said, video games would be perfectly fine. Have it be a different crew using the same technology with a different story altogether. Have it be something that any fan of the film can happily ignore. Otherwise, leave it the hell alone.
Inception doesn't need a sequel. It's like saying we need a Blade Runner sequel to figure out the ending.

A videogame sequel or prequel would be awesome though. Like what Tron did when Tron 2.0 came out in 2003.