a question for 80s tv experts

Wes R

Legendary Member
This has been driving me nuts for a while. I found the name of one show i loved as a kid that didn't last long but this one is really vague in my memory. I remember a princess and a hero and the princess gets pulled into some mirrors by the bad guy and then the hero has to find her. It was from before 1986 i'm pretty sure as i remember watching it at my grandma's and that's the year she died. Sorry it's so vague but i was really little.
I had a similar "lost memory" of Wizards and Warriors and it wasn't until a couple of years ago that I figured out what show it was. I just remembered it was a sword and sorcery show from the early 80s (like, '84?) and it had a blond guy who was the goodguy, and a guy with brown hair who was the badguy. Oddly, it was the badguy's studded armor and hero's red cloak that I remembered most clearly.
Heh... Early 80s... When DnD was in full swing! :lol

Anyone remember "Mazes and Monsters"?

Or watch the Saturday morning cartoon "Dungeons and Dragons"? (I used to love that one! Did they ever find their way home... and actually stay?)

The DnD cartoon was on not that long ago actually, i forget which cartoon channel was showing it but it didn't last long. isn't it funny that the shows who barely had any episodes make the most memories? I had this one stuck in my head for years and another 80s show called Otherworld that only had 8 episodes too.
Yow, DnD...

I remember playing that back in the day, and having "Dispel Magic" cast on my "Boots of Levitation"!

My 3rd level Paladin character met a most heinous end... :lol
Ah the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon! Memories -like being scared by Venger. Wasn't until years later I discovered that 'Ralph Malph' from Happy Days was one of the voices.

A while back a found a site that had 80's TV show theme tunes. D'n'D was one of those that really pressed the old nostalgia button... that and Mysterious Cities of Gold.
Was Mazes and Monsters the Tom Hanks TV movie?

They way they depicted playing the game was NOTHING like how we used to play D&D. ET got a lot closer. ;)
Yeah it was the Hanks movie. I saw it back when it originally aired (and maybe a repeat once). I was 12 and had just started playing DnD. The cartoon gave me much fonder memories than this film. I think even back then I understood that the "being trapped in the fantasy" aspect was overly exaggerated. Hanks' character did suffer from mild schizophrenia (which was supposed to affect his ability to distinguish reality from fantasy).

I have to agree with MJF on this one... Some fans take the roleplaying a wee bit too seriously. :lol :wacko

The cartoon series was released on dvd a few years ago in a DnD looking package (remember the first red DnD box? Hey I still have mine somewhere! :)). I was too much of a cheapskate to pick it up as I could only find it for around $40. I kind of wish I had as it was supposed to have the unproduced series finale script adapted into a "radio play" exclusively for the dvd boxset.

I actually taped a bunch of episodes (I think maybe 13 out of 22 total in the series). I haven't revisited them in decades... and I'm kind of hesitant in case it has completely lost its appeal for my older self.
