A Brand New Batman

Deck star

Active Member
my friend loves to dress as Batman for the special kids Christmas party so when his suit wore out I suggesting making a custom fitted suit to replace it. This thread will document the progress.
I started by making a lifecast of him and he loved the experience and likened it to being treated like a movie star.

My first step was to sculpt his brow and get the look of the whole cowl.
I have been given free reign to design my own version of the suit.

I like a scowl on Batman and was inspired by the vision Scarecrow has in Batman Begins.
Next I decided on quite long ears,

This is the rough sculpt of the overall shape.
And here is my attempt to add a bit of interesting detail to the eyes.

This is what I came up with for the nose and cheeks,

my plan is that when he smiles at kids these details will help make the mask look less threatening.
And finally here is the finished sculpt ready for molding.



I will be making a muscle suit next.
This sculpt is really beautiful, the only thing that bugs me is the nose.....I actually prefered the sculpt before the extra nose piece was added......

Please don't take it as criticism...your mask sculpt is really good! The ears in particular are stunning! I just get a bit fed up with the beak thing...

This sculpt is really beautiful, the only thing that bugs me is the nose.....I actually prefered the sculpt before the extra nose piece was added......

Please don't take it as criticism...your mask sculpt is really good! The ears in particular are stunning! I just get a bit fed up with the beak thing...


I agree, it looks like Hawk man lol. Awesome work though

I was thinking of parrot man. And the ears don't do a thing for me, they remind me of small antlers.

Cheers for the ideas guys, I'm definitely going to paint one up multi-colored with velvet on the ears and call him PARROTMOOSE he will be a truly awesome superhero who lives a double life between Rio De Janiero and Winnipeg. :lol
I don't really get the Batman Vibe from this. I know this is from your own mind/vision, so I can't judge but still, It's missing that "it" factor we all come to love from batman cowls.

I feel bad though, I don't mean to sound so harsh. Please don't take my comments to heart.

It's the ears and nose that the others have mentioned before.

I probably couldn't do better than that, so I just speak as a spectator.
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It looks more like a demonic version of Bats. The arching, high eyebrows and the way the ears curve inwards give a more satanical vibe. From the side it almost looks like he is wearing goggles underneath the cowl.

Like others have side, there is such fantastic talent here, but I think the style maybe a little aggressive if you can't carry it through the entire suit.
I agree with bron in the demonesk take on the mask. I also find the nose looking more like a beak or "hawkish".

All this said its a fantastic sculpt and if you can carry it into the muscle suit. I was thinking more arkham asylum style with the stitching or even having runes or something carved into parts of the muscles could look sick!

Just my own two sense keep up the good work and gl on your project :)
That's kind of the neat thing about Batman: there are as many interpretations of Batman as there are artists who've worked on him. If the guy wearing it is happy, and the guy who made it is happy, that's what really matters. And as somebody who has made several bat cowls, I can appreciate the amount of work it takes!

You know, I actually think it looks better cast and worn than it did as a sculpt. I'd like to see more pix of him wearing it, closeups from different angles.:D
Well I can't refuse such a request, so...

My muscle suit is made by gluing foam on to a tight shirt, with some carving in situ.

then I glue a 4-way stretch fabric over top. (spandex)

over that goes different sizes of mesh and then I paint it all with latex

I used 6 types of texture on the torso and 2 on the legs

looks great all black

a couple more shots of it all together
I didn't comment on the original sculpt as I wanted to see the whole thing together. Looks awesome, and to me its reminiscent of the Batman from 'Joker' (Azzerello & Bermejo's noir piece). I absolutely love the all black vaguely supernatural look. I like how you got the texture on the muscle suit, and I just may shamelessly steal that idea for my own build. Great build all together, awesome job.
Looks great, thanks for sharing and I love seeing the sculpt and how the final product came out! It makes me think of a hybrid Dark Knight Returns / Demon batman from the TDK flick, like a dark batman.

I think people really should choose their words carefully when offering constructive criticism and maybe link their references or threads with other ideas to their post... So as not to put off or discourage people offering up pics of their hard work and effort. :darnkids (I posted the shaking fist man instead o the expletives I was thinking.)

Thanks for posting and don't take those posts wrong, I think in general the vast majority of people are trying to be helpful, not be snarky jerks. Many of us loooove seeing people who actually create things contribute.
It's nice to see a personal take on Batman, I like it! Thanks for showing how you made the muscle suit, too. Your buddy is quite lucky :thumbsup