89 Batwing Model Kit ERTL/AMT


New Member
Hi folks, right, the 89 batwing will be my first foray into the world of building stuff for myself-and basically, i could use a bit of help. I painted my fair share of Warhammer 40k and epic miniatures in my youth but haven't done anything remotely similar since.

so, hints, tips, advice, materials, guides (step by step build up notes designed for a stupid chimp included) would be gretly appreciated.

the kit hasn't arrived yet but i would like all input possible, i'd like to get this right first time.

thanks in advance


nathan, (i'm a nathan too)
I painted one back in 90 or so. great kit.
can't remember how I painted it though.
lot's of dashboard painting.
It was a fairly easy build. I really liked doing that one. I used metalizers on mine. If you can get the Batman souvenier magazine there are some sweet shots of the FX miniature.
I did one recently... Used graphite powder (mechanical pencil + sandpaper) and a q-tip to weather it after painting. For my first time trying to do that kind of weathering it was easy to make it look cool :) The graphite seems to do just enough highlighting of the rivets and panel lines to make it look interesting without throwing off the color.

The black was just Krylon semi-flat black (after using the grey sandable primer), and I did a krylon satin coat to keep the graphite from rubbing off (it also dulls the graphite a bit and blends it better).

The clear coat must catch the flash- it makes the finished color look much much more grey than it really is- the best representation of the color is this first picture, though the color is the same as the little Batman pilot in the third:

Oh, if you take a small piece of styrene (maybe 1mm thick, you could trim a piece even from the kit's sprue) and place it under the flaps when you glue them, it will make them more sturdy if you want them slightly extended.

Ethan (though people often call me Nathan by accident :))
BTW I never did find any properly sized decals... Those that come with the kit are pretty inaccurate.
Nice job.
89' is still my fav.

Originally posted by E Williams@Nov 26 2005, 12:53 PM
I did one recently...  Used graphite powder (mechanical pencil + sandpaper) and a q-tip to weather it after painting.  For my first time trying to do that kind of weathering it was easy to make it look cool :)  The graphite seems to do just enough highlighting of the rivets and panel lines to make it look interesting without throwing off the color.

The black was just Krylon semi-flat black (after using the grey sandable primer), and I did a krylon satin coat to keep the graphite from rubbing off (it also dulls the graphite a bit and blends it better).

The clear coat must catch the flash- it makes the finished color look much much more grey than it really is- the best representation of the color is this first picture, though the color is the same as the little Batman pilot in the third:

Oh, if you take a small piece of styrene (maybe 1mm thick, you could trim a piece even from the kit's sprue) and place it under the flaps when you glue them, it will make them more sturdy if you want them slightly extended.

Ethan (though people often call me Nathan by accident :))
Ethan, that's a great looking batwing... hate, to be cheeky, but could you post a couple of pics of the underside of the jet??

I met the draughtsman who drew out the designs for the 89 Batwing for the film.

He kindly showed me the designs for the Batwing, its an incredibly detailed bit of work.

He said that the only thing that annoyed him was that after doing all that work on the plane, it was shot down by a pistol.

Oh Well... thats show business for you...
Sorry about not replying- I didn't see the request for more pics until now.

Thanks for the compliments :D I'm really happy with how it turned out

Here's a photo of the bottom:
The camera flash is playing havoc with the color again :\ It really isn't streaky like that in real life.
This is a little better... Looks like I didn't blend the big seams as well as I had thought...


Originally posted by nae1000@Dec 1 2005, 08:12 AM
Ethan, that's a great looking batwing...  hate, to be cheeky, but could you post a couple of pics of the underside of the jet??

So, I started thinking about this model & how much I enjoyed it back in the day.
So, I started looking thru my boxes of models & found these.
Looks like I have some work to do.
I have one of those Futura kits as well. That one will be interesting to put together... The part fit isn't very good to begin with, and then there's all the body modifications on top of that.