38" Star Destroyer - Build and Finished pics

Re: 38" Star Destroyer - Eagle's Build

From Randy:

[People who have the kit] ...can you ask them if they have had any problems e-mailing me?

I'm getting reports of people who are getting "mail returned"

Err, I guess - keep trying! :cool
Re: 38" Star Destroyer - Eagle's Build

Hello Eagle,

Great progress! this will help build mine alot, yes I noticed the plates which needs to be sanded down quite a bit, actually one was way too thick. Will start on mine soon.

Re: 38" Star Destroyer - Eagle's Build

Thanks. :)

Updates available - more at http://www.eagletransporter.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5038


Re: 38" Star Destroyer - Eagle's Build

wow, coming along rather nicely. Looks like some minor work to make it all look pretty excellent. :)

Re: 38" Star Destroyer - Eagle's Build

And on that note... what colour/shades do you recommend?
Re: 38" Star Destroyer - Eagle's Build

And on that note... what colour/shades do you recommend?

White,...and LOTS of it.

Seriously, Good job on the build-up so far.
Thanks for the progress threads.

Keep em coming.
Re: 38" Star Destroyer - Eagle's Build

Thanks, Dave.

White's a given but what about shading/panelling? What have people done before? :)
Re: 38" Star Destroyer - Eagle's Build

You've done a man's job, sir.

Edit: Forgot the commer.
Re: 38" Star Destroyer - Eagle's Build

Personally, I'd do a completely unmasked flat white basecoat with the airbrush. Let dry, then selectively mask certain panels, and airbrush some gray such that you get a very subtle color difference. By airbrushing, you can alter how much you add or not..........to increase the variance in colors. The closer you stay to your base white, the more believeable it will be.

Dave :)
Re: 38" Star Destroyer - Eagle's Build

Looking good.


Just started mine, will post progress photos, alot of cleaning in the rear fins area and alot of rescribing so the fins appear also in the engine area, they lack in the kit and makes a huge difference when added, had to belt sand most of the hull panels which were too thick in some area so the side trench panels can fit properly.

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Re: 38" Star Destroyer - Eagle's Build

Holy cow that is looking perfect! I look forward to your paneling next. :)