"24" badges and ID's and stuff...


New Member
So, I'm a recent convert to "24" (damn if the writing doesn't just kick.) and being a badge nut, I was wondering if anybody had screen caps or templates of the varous ID's and such. Even screen caps would help and I could build my own. I know there was a run of CTU shields here and unfortunatley I missed out on that one, but paper props would be excellent. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks for the link info. I did come across that one too in my long search. Nice and big.
Yeah, I followed the thread on the CTU sheild, and totally understand how difficult it was, but the end product did look incredible. Hats off and kudos to those invovled and who saw it through to completion.

The big thing I'm searching for is screen shots of the clip on ID's used. I know these have changed from watching the show on DVD, but I don't have the software to do any screen captures, I was hoping someone might have some.

Thanks for the info.
