This update makes me smile. I remember that intense base you built and was hoping all the digging was worth it.So far this winter has been a dry one as far as the snow goes.
I actually wanted to get a normal amount of snow so i could make the trip out to take a few photos of the Monolith about buried 1/2 up in a snow drift.
But so far this winter snow amount have been a let down.
And from time to time we get a warm day that melts snow and we end up with grass snowing!
Right now where I live there is a 50 mph wind blowing. most other years this would totaly shut down the whole state and I would be hunkered down. But due to a lack of snow its just another day here.
As for the current condition of the Monolith?
I made the right call and I positioned the Monolith so that the thinner side is aimed into the most common winds and that has worked well.
The huge amount of cement I dumped into the trench that holds the Monolith's legs and the direction the Monolith is turned means that even in this wind the monolith does not wobble.