2001 A Space Odyssey patch help


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have 'clean art' for any of the patches seen in 2001 A Space Odyssey on the Bowman/Poole Discovery jumpsuit/coveralls - specifically, the pilot wings, USA patch, and the Discovery/USAA patch - that they would be willing to share? Or a production-made patch they could scan, like someone did in the 'Outland patch' thread? (I know that's a long shot, but after all, since this IS the RPF, I wouldn't be surprised if someone here owned real-deal patches...)

I'm working on the jumpsuits, and the patches that are readily available online all seem to be lacking in accuracy. Been thinking about having a company like e-patches.com make more accurate ones, if good source artwork/images can be found, since they have no minimum order.

Thanks in advance for any help!
