2001 A Food Tray Odyssey


Legendary Member
Yep, joberg again with one of those obscure props...this time, the white food tray used on the set of Discovery.
I'll reproduce the same coloring that Poole has in his trays. I was thinking foam, sprayed with normal paint (so I can mangle it ever so slightly) then it'll be latex paint: brown, very light creamy-yellow, green and finally ocher.

As for pics, I've posted them on propsummit.com Since the re-org of this site, I cannot select my pics from my computer (as it was available before).:(

So...help, members of therpf, a fellow builder, with almost zero knowledge of URL or computers in general, to post those tray pics! Thanks for your patience;)

Hey, what you can do is to right click on your propsummit picture and display image or copy image url and then here you can use that url to post the picture like I just did. this will point directly to your propsummit uploaded pictures.
good luck with your project (y)
Nope guys...done from scratch for the production. Probably vacu-formed. Well, besides that, I remember that one of our member here (Squidman, in August 2016) had done very good work with his paper prop, reproducing the second food tray (the one seen in the Aries-1B)...wouldn't mind a PM from him, unless there's free download on the RPF of those food packages already...but enough blah,blah: pics!

Thanks guys...really appreciated. Yes, the utensils are quite difficult to put your hands on. I think I`m going to tackle the other food tray.
Need some RPFers to get me some very good paper files of the packets. Tray should be easy to do after that.
They used to sell the utensils at Cost Plus (World Imports)
Made in India.
Probably the same ones used in some of the Star Trek series and other shows.

BUT I think the ones used in 2001 where the really expensive Made in Italy version I saw for sale at a artsy furniture shop at Ghirardelli in S.F. I want to say back in the 80's.
Thanks division 6 for the tip; looked at their web site, but no luck finding them. Connox.com is selling them (high quality Stainless Steel) at about $ 22.00 to $ 25.00 each spoon/fork. The shipping is the killer: $ 55.00:eek::eek::eek:...oh well, I'll keep on searching;)
Well, good/bad news for that project; got the fork...but the spoon was discontinued by the manufacturing company (zip on other sites)...EvilBay will be my friend, I guess.
Redirected here from 2001: food tray...

I'm 99-percent sure the cup is a production made Thermo Serv 10oz. insulated tumbler. I grew up with them and still use 'em. Gold & white and black & gold are common but the blue & white ones are a bugger to find. I've been keeping my eye out locally for a few years. Not positive that my colored group shot here is the Thermo Serv but I think it's the blue one. The gold ones are just a better profile view to show how the taper of the cup straightens or indents very slightly at the white, like the movie pics.

Insulated Glass.jpg
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Thanks for that info Lunajammer...would be fun if I could find/buy those for the tray. I could, then, reproduce the tray more easily! That cup (I transformed one to make it as close as possible) is a thing of nightmare for me ;)