I've been hired to archive and discover the hidden treasures within the oldest prop house in the United States, Earl Hays Press.
Among the many treasures, is 2 production-made newspapers from Disney's 1954 classic 20000 Leagues Under the Sea.
As well as the original, untouched print block used to make it.
The owners of EHP are considering doing a short run to test the block and make the test run available for sale.
Number of prints TBD
Price TBD
If anyone is interested lemme know.
Among the many treasures, is 2 production-made newspapers from Disney's 1954 classic 20000 Leagues Under the Sea.
As well as the original, untouched print block used to make it.
The owners of EHP are considering doing a short run to test the block and make the test run available for sale.
Number of prints TBD
Price TBD
If anyone is interested lemme know.