20,000 Leagues Under The Sea Disney Poster in Wood


Well-Known Member
Hey, all....I did a couple posters awhile back (forbidden planet, creature from the black lagoon) and haven't had any new ones for awhile....still want to do some of my favorites...but in the meantime, I did do this poster from the Disney ride for 20k.
It's about 14" x 21" and painted with acrylics....
thats awesome, I love the Disney ride posters have you ever done any others?

Lets see your other posters also.
Longer than it should have the first time....I was using an acrylic paint that took too many coats on some of the colors (in my opinion). It took about 7 hours to paint, but shouldn't have taken more than 3. It took the carving machine about 10 hours (on optimum settings) to carve it..