16th Annual Art of Motion Picture Costume Design at FIDM


Well-Known Member
The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising is holding it's 16th exhibit showing costumes from movies from the past year (including costumes from the previous Oscar Winning Best Costume category). FIDM played host to Dressing a Galaxy in 2005, which was an incredible exhibit.

If you'd like to see some of the past exhibits, check it out here.

Viewing times for the free exhibition will be Monday through Saturday, 10:00am until 5:00pm. The Galleries will be closed Easter Weekend, March 21 through 23.

The exhibit runs January 28 through April 12, 2008

This year's list (many thanks to Maggie from PadawansGuide):

Silk- Carlo Poggioli
Herve Joncour- brown suit; Helene Joncour- purple/white/pink striped dress; blue embroidered robe with a cream colored nightgown

Lust, Caution- Lai Pan
Chih-Ying Chu- light blue/tan/cream striped Mandarin dress; Wang Chia Chi- Navy overcoat with blue dress; green plaid overcoat with blue dress; Lee; Mr. Yee

Atonement- Jacqueline Duran
Briony Tallis- Nurse outfit; Cecilia Tallis- green gown; 'fountain' skirt, top and camisole; nurse outfit; Robbie- work outfit and soldier's uniform

Sweeney Todd- Colleen Atwood
Judge Turpin; Pirelli; Sweeney Todd- striped leather jacket, barber's coat, brown linen vest, neck tie, linen shirt, dirty pants from beginning of movie; Joanna- light blue gown; dressing outfit; Mrs. Lovett- shabby 'original' outfit; red/white striped dress.

Nancy Drew- Jeffrey Kurland
Nancy- detective outfit; Mod dress; modern outfit.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix- Jany Temime
Sirius Black; Nymphadora; Delores Umbridge- pink fuzzy jacket and skirt; Death Eater; Lord Voldemort; Lucius Malfoy- Death Eater

Stardust- Sammy Sheldon
Primus- purple robes; Tristan- cream linen jacket, black pants; Yvain- dark blue gown; Lamia- dark green dress with black/gold jaquard bodice

Enchanted- Mona May
Prince Edward- plum price outfit; Giselle- white gown, but not the wedding dress; Narissa- rainbow alligator dress

The Golden Compass- Ruth Myers
Ma Costa; Serafina Pekkala, Lyra- Winter outfit; Lord Asriel- winter expedition; Marisa Coulter- gold beaded gown; Lee Scoresby

Marie Antoinette- Milena Canoner0 (2007 Oscar winner)
Marie Antoinette- white/silver gown with large 'toaster' pannier, Louis XVI- complimentary white/gray/silver coat, wasitcoat and breeches

Elizabeth: The Golden Age- Alexandra Byrne
Mary Stuart- red chiffon dress with black robe; Phillip II, the Infanta; Walter Raleigh- 'pirate lord' outfit; Elizabeth Throckmorton- light blue gown; Elizabeth I- stays and dressing attire; purple gown; gold gown

Shooter- Ha Nguyen
Bobby Lee Swagger- civilian outfit; desert ghillie suit

La Vie En Rose- Marit Allen
Edith Piaf- black dress with lace sleeves, turquoise dress with a 'V' seam on the chest; black dress with a sweetheart neckline

Love in the Time of Cholera- Marit Allen
Juvenal Urbino- cream jacket, plaid pants; Florentine Arizo- black silk suit

Across the Universe- Albery Wolsky
Clown band; Blue Meanie; Hendersons

Youth Without Youth- Gloria Papura
Veronica- SS uniform; cream robe with black swatstika lingerie; Dominic- cream colored outfit; black jacket with mink collar; Laura- early 1900s dress

Hairspray- Rita Ryack
Penny Pingleton- light blue 'curtain' dress; Tracy Turnbland- red/blue plaid skirt with white top; Girl Singer- orange dupioni dress; Amber Von Tussle- black/white plaid dress; Velma Von Tussle- pink/white gingham dress

Beowulf- Gabriella Pescucci
Aescher- purple robes; Black Warrior; Ursula- cream linen dress; King Hrothgar- chain mail/brown leather outfit

300- Michael Wilkinson
Persian Emissary; Immortal; Xerxes; Leonidas

Eklavya: The Royal Guard- Raghavendra Rathore
Eklavya; Rajjo; Princess Nandini; King Jaywardha; Jyotiwardhan

Blades of Glory- Julie Weiss
Jimmy MacElroy- peacock suit; Chazz Michael Michaels- flame suit; Fairchild Van Waldenberg- pink tuttu; Sranz Van Waldenberg- pink pirate suit; Mascot

I will be going up in a few weeks, so if anyone has any detail requests on a certain costume, let me know which one and what you would like to know. Photography is NOT allowed, so I can't promise pictures. However, I can do my best to sketch seams, match colors, guess fabrics, etc etc.
No pics were allowed; sorry!

I took details & sketches on Mrs. Lovett's dress, then three of the Order of the Phoenix costumes (Tonks, Sirius, and Voldemort), if anyone has a need for them.