100 Cheesiest Movie Quotes of all time....

I've often thought that pretty much any action movie that has some quip at the end of a fight sequence is going to be guilty of cheese.

I think some of those in there were actually good lines when you watched the entire scene/movie, but I agree that most of them are just cheap missed attempts at being deep or funny.

This is the one that really had me :lol:lol

"Flash, Flash, I LOVE you - but we only have 48 hours to save the earth!"
A few in there I disagree with, Boromir in FOTR for instance..

But the majority were just out and out cheese.:lol
"It's just been revoked."

My favorite, from The Fast and the Furious:

"I just need some more time!"

"You want time, buy the magazine!"
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I truly love it.

But it is full of cheese. Well, I'd say ****, but yeah. :lol

Just before they're dropped off on their mission, there is a shot of Arnie, with his finger to his headset, acting his ass off... on listening to the person on the other end, he replies with, "Yeah, okay."

Even as a kid, I was thinking, "Yeah? Okay!?"
