1 part casts - Relby K23 Button, others by request


Master Member
Hi folks,

I have molds of the newly discovered button on the Relby K23 Bespin Security Guard Blaster. I have found resin thin enough to capture the details (the buttons are made of multiple parts). $10

I'll send them whole, if you need them trimmed, add $5

I also have molds of

~ A real red button from TPM
~ The correct LED Light Bar lightsaber button from TPM
~ Brass Barbs used on Obi TPM (mold of the entire unaltered part)
~ Knurled knob from ROTJ Scopes
~ ROTJ real scope bell most likely used on DL44
~ Modern real Transcriptors Cone nut and Saturn turntable Motor nut

I might be able to pull off distributor rings, that mold is a little old.. I'll see if any of my other old ones are any good.

$5 shipped for a 6x4 Bubble Mailer.... and I can fit a lot of parts in there
Thanks to Eethan and his stupid/awesome talent with metal I need the part you offer for the Relby K23 Bespin Security Guard Blaster.

Please PM with paypal addy.

I'm in need of the calculator button.

Do you have photos of the Modern real Transcriptors Cone nut and Saturn turntable Motor nut?
Alllright, if anyone wants any of these casts (or others) please let me know. They are cross listed on ebay now, I have plenty of resin leftover
Got my calculator key = clean cast, just need to sand the back pour off and ready to mount!
Thanks Tom!