1/48 TIE Fighter Review?


Sr Member
Anyone ordered the new FM Tie fighter? Have you built it? What do you think of it? Just curious since I might get one.
I just got mine today.

Overall I'd say its an 8/10.

The wing panel details are superb. I'd actually say 11/10 if I could. Very well done, but the grille detail where they used the mesh on the plates is not properly scaled. Its not a deal breaker though, and I dont think most people will notice. The plate is molded in black and then the two braces are placed on each side so they can be painted separate.

The ball detail and braces for the panels are okay, general shapes are good, but all the details are poorly done because they wanted to keep the molds simple. I'm designing a photoetch set to replace all those details. IMO, practically all the small details have to be scraped off and replaced.

The cockpit interior is overly simple. I also dont know what reference they used because I cant find anything that it matches to. It doesn't match the studio model and it doesn't match the sets, not my a long shot. I think the just made it up.

Now if you dont mind the simple details on the ball of it, then you'll be happy. It will only be a problem for those who are detail oriented and want a more accurate representation of the studio model details.

Watch Acreation Models for the PE release. I'm hoping to have the artwork out to the etching company late next week, with etch being delivered to me in 2-3 weeks after they get it. But it will also depend on how long it takes me to figure out the cockpit details in photoetch.
Cool. Do you mean to offer both fuselage and cockpit interior details?

Got any pics?


Pics of the model? I can take some tomorrow.

Pics of the etch, I haven't even opened a new file in illustrator for it yet. Just got the kit in the mail this morning so I've only been looking it over and taking notes. Reference on the cockpit interior is coming up short, almost non-existent. About all I can find on the full size set is what was filmed in ANH. There's enough shots to recreate most of the back wall up waist upwards to the top of the entry hatch, and maybe 40% of the way to the front (so there's detail in the middle section missing on the sides), and then about 30% of the front sides.

From what I can tell the cockpit on the studio model was mostly sparse, with a figure, and a console that arcs above along the ceiling, largely restricting access from above. Most of the interior is blocked by the front greebled plate.

Basically for the kit I cant find any reference, film or model, that explains why they made the cockpit that way. It doesnt' match any known detail I can find after 4 hours searching.

If you want the cockpit to match the filming set, then you need to cut away the greebled panel from the ball front. Then the rest of the cockpit parts throw away, and start from scratch. I'm going to have to build a new interior based on the film, and build it in sections to have cast which will come with the set. Those parts will be cast in clear for lighting, and then the photoetch will go over that.

Right now I'm leaning toward making the cockpit interior a separate product, which can be bought individually, or bundled together with the extras kind of like Eduard's Big Ed sets.
Good idea with the separate products.

I wonder if the people that are bothered with the wrong details also would prefer a studio model interior. Theres pretty good ref of that version.

In the kit, is it possible to build the canopy without any "glass", like the studio models? Otherwise that would be a great aftermarket product.
Great, thats a biggie for me. I will get this kit later, and it will be interesting to see what yuu will offer.
Wow do I feel like I'm behind the 8-ball.I didn't knoe FM released a 1/48 scale Tie Fighter.I take it it is pretty awsome?
Its not bad really. It sounds like there's a lot of problems, but they're easily fixed, and its mostly on the ball part of the kit. The rest is pretty slick.

And it only was released in Japan December 15, so its only be in the US at retailers for about a week. On the other hand, it was announced like 6 months ago.
Wouldn't the TIE Fighter PC game have interiors that you could look at? I know the game's old, but maybe they got it right.
Not sure where I found this, but it was in my model images directory (where I keep various reference):

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Awesome! That will help a TON!

If you find any more post them here or email them to me at rob@acreationmodels.com

That right there solves a lot of what my problems have been. From that I can mirror the general structure from the port side over to the right, and create a 3D shape I can dissect into a pattern to cut from sheet styrene and form into a master for casting.
I could probably have something done for the studio model interior if I had better references of it. Again, the cockpit in general is poorly covered for reference at the usual source sites.