1:175 Enterprise on Youtube


Active Member
Hey guys I don't know if any of you have seen this yet but
this guy built a 1:175 scale enterprise refit and I found it
on youtube. It's beautiful model,all of you should check it out.
Just do a search for studio scale starship Enterprise and
it should come up. It looks pretty awesome.

Have a good one,
Now THAT is a nice model!

OMG, the fact that he included a couple space walking astronauts working on the hull plating near the nav deflector (complete with flashing arcs from welding) is just... it blows me away. I like how he also built a full officers lounge and rec deck as well. Crazy!
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Absolutely gorgeous :love
My only groan is he made it the "A". If I win the lottery i'm asking him to do me a TMP version :)
Impressive:love.My favorite part at the end of the video is when he takes it apart,moves the stand and places a teddy bear on the coffee table:lol.