1/100 Apollo Command Module


Well-Known Member
Well, I've taken a break from model building for a while and picked up this little gem from the local hobby store a few weeks ago. I also picked up a 4-model Air Force Thunderbirds F-16 set from the bay to hang up in the kids room.
It's the 2011 Revell 1/100 (or 1/96?) version of the Apollo Command Module. Of course, after pouring over the images at the NASA archive and other sites, I can see the body of the ship doesn't match what was flown in space, or even on the box cover. I also found out it's a Block I, instead of II, or something like that. Also, there is no spindly thingy on top of the capsule (docking assembly). Lots to do on this one.
The only "Real Space" models I've ever built are Space Shuttles, boosters, and the 747's that carry the shuttles. Apollo, Gemini, and Mercury were before my time and I was never given any of those models as a kid. So, this is new territory for me.
The kit is pretty basic. The first thing I've done is add window frames and made a door for the capsule. The window frames are made from blank sticker paper, and the door is just .010 styrene. I also drilled out the top for a custom docking assembly.
This kit is silly. You build the cockpit and find out that the interior details are covered from view. Ehhhh. I won't bother painting the inside.
Next step, cover the capsule with bare-metal foil. I want to replicate the striping pattern on the real ones.
Well, it's a very painstaking process applying stips of bare metal foil. But it looks good so far. I was going to have the capsule chrome plated, but then the striped pattern wouldn't show up at all. It's mostly done now. I did a striped pattern across the lower part of the capsule and then the upper part, from what I could see on reference photos. Now to scratch a docking assembly on the top. I have some landing gear struts from the 1/72 F-16 Thunderbird models that might work just fine.
Capsule nearly completed, all foiled up and I finished the scratchbuilt docking assembly on top. For the rear of the craft, this looks nothing like the real deals, so I wrinkled the foil a little to give it texture. The gold foil is from a chocolate easter bunny wrapper and when all wrinkled up, looks neat. I also added grab irons around the capsule and the black anti glare panels in front of the windows. Drilled out all 16 thruster nozzles, too. Next, the body of the ship.
Well, I tried the Testors Aluminum plate metal master and it turned out alright so far. Got the body of the ship painted and buffed, and added some blank white decals to simulate the areas on the flown versions. I also scratchbuilt the connector at the top that probably runs power or other services from the capsule to the rest of the ship. Don't know what it's called, though. I'm going to simulate the ribbing on the white sections with decals, I think, and see how that turns out.
Very nice work. Yeah that's the umbilical cover, which was located on the other side (near the CM windows) on the block 1. All the toys and models from the 60s were based on the block 1, before the block 2 was revealed.
Ahhhhh...the umbilical cover. Thanks! I put it on the side opposite of the capsule windows, like in all the photos I found.
I tried to create the ridges in the white section with decals, and up close you can tell but from a little distance it mimics the look of the ridges. I also created a few other decals I saw in pictures, but some of the stuff is just made up for looks. Also got the thruster nozzles in gold. From reference, it looks like they are polished silver with a light gold hue. Anyways, I just made them gold. The metal master overcoat will tone them down a bit. I'm glad I drilled them out, I think they look better that way. On to the engine!
Ahhhhh...the umbilical cover. Thanks! I put it on the side opposite of the capsule windows, like in all the photos I found...

That's correct for the block 2 :thumbsup

The nozzles are bronze. I scratch built a 1/72 CM/SM years ago, I painted the nozzles flat black then dry brushed with Metallizer brass, looked just right.
Last couple of pictures and the finished ship. I added some panels inside the engine nozzle and weathered the outside slightly. It doesn't come with windows, so I used Testors window maker glue to fill the holes. Fun little kit overall, if anyone is thinking of getting it. With a little work, it can look nice. I think I would have the top chromed next time, that would give it a smoother appearance. I have an idea of how to display it, working on that now.
I might try a larger kit next time, just because it was a lot of fun to do the research. Anyways, enjoy.
Nice work :thumbsup There are detail sets available for it, but it's much more fun to do it yourself. And yes a cool little kit. They got a lot of use out of it too; it was released by itself, in a set with the LM, a set with the Soyuz, and was part of the 1/96 Saturn V kit.
Very nice indeed...I'll pull the one out of my 1/144 Saturn V if you want to try your luck with one thats much smaller !!!!
Nice work :thumbsup There are detail sets available for it, but it's much more fun to do it yourself. And yes a cool little kit. They got a lot of use out of it too; it was released by itself, in a set with the LM, a set with the Soyuz, and was part of the 1/96 Saturn V kit.

Hello, I am doing a little research on the 1:100 revell kits, do you know where to find this detail sets you mention? I haven´t been able to find any....

Thanks a lot.

By the way, to morrris99, nice little model, great job!
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