I am about halfway through my build of a full size T-Rex skull. I set out to make an accurate sculpt of the "Sue" T-Rex in the Field Museum, Chicago after watching the documentary, "Dinosaur 12", and seeing Adam Savage's cast of said skull. But then I found some better references and decided to opt for a more aggressive look over accuracy.
My method has been cardboard structure covered with expanding foam and carving it back. There will be a time lapse of the complete build. It's great so far.
Some Pictures of the progress:

I am nearing the end of my rough sculpt and could use some advice on the finish. I want to find a way to coat or spackle this to fill in the gaps (most of them at least) and leave a finish I can do some fine carving with a Dremmel and sanding. Any suggestions?
The final finish will be a dark black/bronze look like most museum pieces.
My method has been cardboard structure covered with expanding foam and carving it back. There will be a time lapse of the complete build. It's great so far.
Some Pictures of the progress:

I am nearing the end of my rough sculpt and could use some advice on the finish. I want to find a way to coat or spackle this to fill in the gaps (most of them at least) and leave a finish I can do some fine carving with a Dremmel and sanding. Any suggestions?
The final finish will be a dark black/bronze look like most museum pieces.