1/1 Indiana Jones bust finished


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I'm not the biggest fan of the sculpt (I liked the earlier version), but the paint job is fantastic--especially the beard!
what a great paintup!

the beard does look amazing

can't wait to see some of your other work in the future, with a paintup like that i think you may be keeping busy...:thumbsup

thanks for posting!
I think this is the best Indy I've seen so far. Well done.


Agreed! My jaw hit the floor when I opened that first pic! The white back ground is particularly complimentary.

I'm having fits with my own. Got im looking like a pale a$$, sun-burned putz. Can't seem to get the tan coat quite right... Yours though looks fantastic! (y)thumbsup:thumbsup
I'm sorry, I have to say I absolutely do not recognize him... he's had a bath and is all clean? What's up with that? :lol

No, seriously... that's a damn smooth paint job... I just think you need to bring some edge into it. Just an opinion.
well, I'll let the new owner dirty his clothes/etc up if he wants to. The Fedora just arrived yesterday and I plan to dirty it up for my personal bust that I'm doing next. The shirt is one of my shirts I wear normally,not an Indy shirt so I wasn't about to ruin it just for photos. I'm looking for a cheap alternative on ebay so I can grunge it up a bit. Wait until you see the next one. It will have a custom base too. :)
No, no, I was talking about the paint job, not the shirt or hat. I guess it's just odd for me not to see Indy without bruises and cuts and sun-burn and sweat. Though, it really is nice and if the client likes it, then, as I've said before: that's all that really matters! :thumbsup
i always thought a "beatup Indy" would be a cool look too...

but from what i understand (i'm no painter!) its hard to add sweat and bumps, bruises and blood to a bust that hasnt had those things kinda sculpted in...??

also, i think a "sweaty Indy" could turn into a downright "shiny Indy" pretty quick...:lol
Actually, thin scrapes/cuts wouldn't be that hard to pull off even though they aren't sculpted in. It's the bigger wounds that would look fake.
Well, not that I've tried it on large scale... but the way to do sweat is to know when to stop. Also... you take a large brush, dip it in the gloss clear coat and scraping the excess off on the edge of the bottle, then you hold it a little away from the bust and the begin to flick the brush part on the edge of the bottle to get a tiny spatter effect.

With an airbrush, I believe you put the item facing slightly up, and then you hold the airbrush above the bust - a fair bit away - and then spray into the air and let the fine droplets land on the bust.

I've gotten varied results from these methods, but nothing large scale or as important as this, so I don't know how good my way of doing it is.
Actually, thin scrapes/cuts wouldn't be that hard to pull off even though they aren't sculpted in. It's the bigger wounds that would look fake.
Agreed... and the most convincing way to do blood on a bust is not to go gloss, but to try to emulate coagulated blood that has this brownish/reddish/black kinda muddy matt look to it. Shiny blood on a bust just looks kinda fake, as it is often forgotten to add shape to the blood, as it is usually bulgy and thick when flowing freely and not flat and glossy postman red.
I guess it's just odd for me not to see Indy without bruises and cuts and sun-burn and sweat.

My recollection of Ford's face - at least in Raiders - is that it was indeed sweaty, but not too dirty (no real heavy dirt smudges). Also, I don't recall too much in the way of scrapes, bruises, scratches, or cuts on his face (again, in Raiders).
My recollection of Ford's face - at least in Raiders - is that it was indeed sweaty, but not too dirty (no real heavy dirt smudges). Also, I don't recall too much in the way of scrapes, bruises, scratches, or cuts on his face (again, in Raiders).
True, but they were there. I'm not talking excessive beat up, cut and bruised... just minor stuff here and there to break up the smoothness... to really show that he's getting a bit banged up on his travels and not just a stuffy clean professor teaching archeology or history.

It's the small things that makes a difference and sometimes makes things come alive.