1:1 HellBoy - Lifesized-with kitties from Armond Idea


Sr Member
Yet another goodie.

I still gotta get boots on him but I just had
to get baby kittens at his feet and found one I stuck next
to Baby "His Samaritain".

Hope you like it.
Howard did the bust waaaaay back.
The duster, ebay!
unlimited help and incite from my fiance'!!
Holster RPF'er - How does that buckle work anyway??
The Samaritain RPF'er!
Leather disco Pants - Craigs list
TEE-Shirt - K-mart

Final product:

Tonight I hope to have an amazing 13' foot Alien finally'
glued and hanging from the ceiling!

Cross yer fingers!

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Thank you guys!!!!!!!!!

Next is a 13' foot swimming Alien!

Been gluing all night, might be up by tomorrow!!!!

I love this stuff.

Gotta get a bigger boat!.

I hope I don't come off as harsh as that is not my intetent, only hoping to improve on the piece.
I think it's missed it's mark.
The head is at a very strange angle.
He should be 'barrel chested'. This guy is too skinny.
The belt is just hanging off him, almost looks like it's going to fall off. Give that dude a cheeseburger!
The red on his hand of doom and his face don't match...by a lot!
Again, Tom, only looking to help.