007 GOLDENEYE Game 'GOLDEN GUN' --Game Prop Replica--


Sr Member
In the meantime when I was looking for 'barely close enough parts' for my own replica of Francisco Scaramangas GG I was goofing around a bit and tested some methods of assembling parts I already had in my drawer with no need. Not accurate in any way, but I kinda like it for its simpleness. I also wouldn't call it finished yet.

Functions: You can pull the trigger. The cigarette case can be opened. The barrel can be removed very quickly.
What do you old school gamers think?:)
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The scaling of the barrel looks pretty far off, I like the concept though, looks very good.

Thank you ZN. Yes it is. As stated above it was only a test to try some assembling methods before hunting for some parts. The parts above cost me nothing at all. I had them all picked up a long time ago.
In the meanwhile I was collecting some more 'accurate' parts for another one. All parts are Colibri so far. All made in the 70's. It's not the correct lighter, but a cheap pick up at a low cost. The case/handle otherwise is close to the real one. Not a 100% match but it'll do the job. :thumbsup