Recent content by tomcam

  1. tomcam

    Materials for a 6' T Rex build to be used by a kid

    Been a while since I've done anything like this and materials seem to have evolved rapidly since the, uh, 1970s when I last built props. Want to build a 6' T static Rex. It's for my teenage son, who is severely developmentally disabled, so it has to be sturdy and huggable. I assume the best way...
  2. tomcam

    Was this Fusion razor case used in a model?

    Every time I see one of these razor cases I think... it must have been used for an SF prop somewhere, but I don't remember anything specific. Anyone have an idea if it was ever a thing?
  3. tomcam

    And now the winners of the "2009 $1. Store lightsaber contest."

    Re: Voting is here, for the 2009 $1. Store lightsaber contest. #6 Some amazing work here. I am humbled.