Recent content by Robert McLain

  1. Robert McLain

    Luke's landspeeder

    As far as I can tell. Close enough for me, anyways (y)
  2. Robert McLain

    Luke's landspeeder

    Still have some weathering to do
  3. Robert McLain

    Luke's landspeeder

  4. Robert McLain

    Luke's landspeeder

    I would love to see an acurate kit of Luke's speeder. I stalked ebay and picked up a used black series one and did a repaint to get by till something better comes along. Robert:)
  5. Robert McLain

    TIE Advanced AMT model (FINISHED)

    Poor kittyo_O That color really pops in the sun! Very screen accurate(y) Robert
  6. Robert McLain

    TIE Advanced AMT model (FINISHED)

    VERY clean build(y) Will look great hanging with the others:) Robert:)
  7. Robert McLain

    TIE Advanced AMT model (FINISHED)

    You stand on the edge of the rabbit hole lol Robert
  8. Robert McLain

    TIE Advanced AMT model (FINISHED)

    You got me freaking out so I had to go look at mine and check! Got it right, tho lol Robert
  9. Robert McLain

    TIE Advanced AMT model (FINISHED)

    It's such a pain in the butt to make this kit look good, but you're knocking it out of the park! Robert:)
  10. Robert McLain

    TIE Advanced AMT model (FINISHED)

    Don’t feel bad. I put the front insert pieces in upside down on mine lol AND forgot to paint the lase tips!
  11. Robert McLain

    RED ALERT Lost 3 ft TOS Enterprise found????

    You weren't being impatient at all. I was wondering about this topic myself. You just stepped on their lawn, is all.
  12. Robert McLain

    AMT Studio Series TIE Fighter from ANH

    Man, it seems like a no brainer.......I think they would knock it out of the park. I've been toying with the idea of giving the Revell 1/29 X-Wing a go. I'm not as obsessed with X-Wings as I am with Ties, so I think I could live with the inaccuracies. Robert
  13. Robert McLain

    Round2 Acquires Star Wars License

    As well you should lol Robert
  14. Robert McLain

    Tie Fighter from B.C.I

    Wow, haven't seen one of those in quite a while! looking forward to seeing it built up(y) Robert
  15. Robert McLain

    Round2 Acquires Star Wars License

    Lol I really should! The resin printers produce amazing results. Robert:)