Recent content by ONEYE

  1. ONEYE

    The Banished Hunters

    Damn, I thought this was about banned members.
  2. ONEYE

    Dred length....What is the right length.

    I think it depends on the size of the head. If you know anyone that has a Wolf Predator 1:1 head, you could ask them to measure the dreds.
  3. ONEYE


    I want one, exactly the way you built/painted yours. Will you message me details, cost, info? Are you willing/able to do another?
  4. ONEYE

    I C U! :)

    I C U! :)
  5. ONEYE

    Getting your mask from Daman Martinez. He'll paint it for me. May I ask what the inspiration was...

    Getting your mask from Daman Martinez. He'll paint it for me. May I ask what the inspiration was for the name "Mr. Giggles"? Are you on Facebook?
  6. ONEYE

    Cthulu Bio

    EYE love it!
  7. ONEYE

    Chromed Giggles Bio

  8. ONEYE

    Mr Giggles - Coollekottens First Bio!

    I just found this and I love it! Searching for completed photos now. Outstanding skills & talent! Bravo!
  9. ONEYE

    Did Someone Here Make This Predator Bust?

    I don't know what to call it. I like it a lot. Is it an original sculpt? I love the paint scheme! I love it! I wants it! It will be my precious if I can get one just like it.
  10. ONEYE

    Overlord Bio Wip

    What was Overlord based on?
  11. ONEYE

    Concept Bio Helmet

    For some reason, first thing that popped into my head was "The Thing" from Marvel's Fantastic Four.
  12. ONEYE

    To Boob Or Not To Boob, That Is The Question. (Sketch Idea Update... Please Opinionate!)

    If you decide to "boob", be unique, go single, or quadruple.
  13. ONEYE

    P1 Into A Steve Hird Celtic Using His Method & P2 Mysteria Repaint

    Just make your own. Recasting is BS. I doubt Paul is going to say yes.