Recent content by mewmar

  1. mewmar

    Harry Potter free paper props - all movies and more!

    Does anyone have anything related to ginger newts?
  2. mewmar

    Harry Potter free paper props - all movies and more!

    Barney, that slug repellent looks nice! if only I had a container like that! PotionMistress, you're a wonder, thanks!
  3. mewmar

    Harry Potter free paper props - all movies and more!

    Make your own book. Make it great.
  4. mewmar

    Harry Potter free paper props - all movies and more!

    Can I ask if it's international? I'be been a subscriber for a whole now. Also will add you on pottermore, my username is watchseeker136
  5. mewmar

    Harry Potter free paper props - all movies and more!

    i know it is star foil but it was a solution for those that don't want to spend a lot for now. I probably confused some people though, sorry. @goldensnidget, I could probably find something like that at a charity shop or maybe at the ironmonger perhaps. I could also find it at home, I'm a...
  6. mewmar

    Harry Potter free paper props - all movies and more!

    oh, only the small glass type here are plain glod foil, others have sort of dotted gold circle a little lighter thab the other gold. Haven't found a picture on the net, will scan it tomorrow as my mum is sleeping and the scanner is noisy. If I have extra ones, that are hopefully big enough, I...
  7. mewmar

    Harry Potter free paper props - all movies and more!

    it's ok, I like the hp world, wheather accurate or not, I just like it!
  8. mewmar

    Harry Potter free paper props - all movies and more!

    for the foil, something that looks similar but in circles not starts is the nutella foil. you could buy one of the big ones and have the foil and eat the nutella.
  9. mewmar

    Harry Potter free paper props - all movies and more!

    is this any good, I only have a few bruses and such, but I tried. maybe until someone finds/does something better? I I read that gimp does not allow you to rotate brushes:/
  10. mewmar

    Harry Potter free paper props - all movies and more!

    aha I had seen your site, that's where I encountered the owl treates! you did a wonderful job and even if you say that now you have more appropriate amterials, you worked with what you had at the time. any chance you have the broomstick guide scan? I really liked that. and so many of the other...
  11. mewmar

    Harry Potter free paper props - all movies and more!

    commented on the vid, I saw it this morning. It' truly awsome!
  12. mewmar

    Harry Potter free paper props - all movies and more!

    barney critisizm can d you good to better yourself if it's constructive critisizm such as telling me what I could do better and how etc seeing as I'm a newbie
  13. mewmar

    Harry Potter free paper props - all movies and more!

    @leight, you know, just asking about the muggle-born registration papers would have worked as well. The poor page is not fit enough to do stretching. eh, so I finally made 'something'. So I have been searching for gimpy tutorials and learning terminologies. I still am not good but I tried. I...
  14. mewmar

    Harry Potter free paper props - all movies and more!

    Re: Harry Potter free paper props - all movies and found the owl treats!