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Hi I'm J.P.
I'm 23, obsessed with movies, cartoons, books, comics, action figures, models, dioramas, Philip K. Dick, radio equipment and train boards.
I love working with foam.
My obsession with models was started only about 4 years ago by my Father in law, Charles, he is a train/radio guy. He started having by having me fix little things and repaint here and there...currently I am in the process of constructing an 8' across by 4' wide desert train board, we call it Kimball Ridge, made from polystyrene and when complete will have 2 tunnels. My love of radios /radio equipment was also started by Charles (he repairs radios, radio equipment , as well as builds tube amps that are just gorgeous to see).
Also because of him, I have boxes of vacuum tubes... so if any one every needs any let me know maybe we can trade :)

I wear a Green Lantern ring everyday
one because it is cool
and two because it is 1" across and that is damn useful to have literally on hand XD

dioramas, radios, antique restoration
Aug 29, 1990 (Age: 34)
Radio/antique Restoration