Reaction score

  • Rounders Too is officially registered for the Spring 2012 softball season! Woo!
    Let me be perfectly clear. The game everyone is playing called DRAW something, is not called SPELL something. If your drawing is SO terrible that YOU have to write what it practically is then you shouldn't have picked the word. I'll pass every time I see a word spelled from now on.
    Phone is sketchy with the whole charge thing. Sorry if youre trying to reach me and I don't respond.
    Also. The news about Manning just got to me and I have to say I'm pretty disappointed. I'll always root for my home team but ill for sure stay with Manning no matter who he's with.
    #1. This is the first actual sping break vacation I've ever been on.
    #2. Playing beer pong at 3 (2am to you Evansville weirdos) in the morning is, surprisingly not a normal thing.
    #3. I've for the best girl and friends on this entire planet.
    #4. I'm drunk...
    Favorite part about my Florida trip so far?? The fact my phone has quit charging on the drive down. Loving it.
    Spring Softball! Team "Rounders Too" has a few more open spots on the main starting roster. Interested? Hit me up!
    Whoa. Undertaker and HHH at Wrestlemania in a Hell in the Cell match?! Who's ordering that bad boy???
    Dude, I've never lost at anything more than I am in phase 10 right now. I'm beyond frustrated... >:[
    Well. if you want to get ahold of me... i guess message tasha or try my email/facebook. Gotta get the phone situation figured out.
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Music, Predator, Comics, PS3.
May 2, 1984 (Age: 39)
Indiana, U.S.A.