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Hey guys my name is Frank. I've been cosplaying for a few years now. Until recently i've been using Tumblr for posting pictures and looking for help on costume armor building... with not much help. Finally after following Stealth on youtube for so long i finally figured i'd give theRPF a shot and see what happens. More about me, I work a Health & Safety Officer for Amec E&I in Miami by day.... at night im all about costume business lol. Cosplaying means so much to me, i'd find any reason to put on one of my armors. My main cosplay is the Halo 3 MC armor but im almost done with my Warrior Spartan Armor. I hope to meet some cool people on here and hopefully get to cosplay and team up with someone from here who is as passionate about this as much as me.

Music, Art, my guitar, video games, coffee, movie movies and more movies, Adroid hacking, tec..
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Project Coordinator/Health & Safety Officer
Click here for my YouTube channel.