Recent content by Father

  1. Father

    3D "printed" helmets using a Glowforge or Dremel laser engraver?

    Just saw some ads for these devices and after seeing the globe lamp that was made by assembling layers of cardboard I immediately thought they would be perfect for quickly making sci-fi type helmets like Master Chief or Destiny. Wondering if anyone has done this? I saw this software can be...
  2. Father

    The Meg (Post-release)

    Re: Meg (2018) Pre-Release I always pictured Brody: Nathan Fillion Quint: Viggo Mortenson Hooper: Evan Peters if he could pull off a beard B-Team Brody: Jon Hamm Quint: Michael Shannon Hooper: A slightly slimmer Clark Duke if he could pull off a beard
  3. Father

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Post-release)

    Not knowing enough about the period between ROTJ and TFA, I think it's pretty pretentious of Luke to think he was a skilled enough Jedi to teach the next generation. Again, going back to the PT and seeing the extensive training that the pre-Empire Jedis underwent before they could ever hold...
  4. Father

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Post-release)

    The magic in a lot of things goes away when you get older. Try watching some of the cartoons we watched as kids (GI Joe, Transformers, Voltron, etc.) and ask yourself "Was I really into this?" Guys, is your taste in girls the same as it was when you saw the OT? If so, you should probably be on...
  5. Father

    Disney in talks to buy Fox studio assets..

    Yeah... for what was/is supposed to be prequels, they really went off the rails. The origin story in the Dark Horse comics series was better IMHO. I'm surprised they didn't find a way to shoehorn Ripley into them somehow.
  6. Father

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Post-release)

    I agree, it's gusty and somewhat deeper than the traditional stories. I guess this is the difference between seeing Star Wars through the eyes of a child and the eyes of a grown up. Rian Johnson sees Star Wars through the lens of a grown-up now and pulls a curtain back that wasn't done before...
  7. Father

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Post-release)

    TeenWookie... maybe Chewie is her dad and when she hits puberty she'll start seeing some "changes".
  8. Father

    Disney in talks to buy Fox studio assets..

    I wonder if they will finish out the current Marvel MCU movies and then fire up the reboot machine to include all of the former Fox properties or if they'll phase them into the current MCU. What would you rather see? It would feel like a betrayal not having RDJ and Evans as Stark and Rogers...
  9. Father

    "A Christmas Story", I don't get it, Explain why this is a "Classic"?

    Man... I'm not even going to read all of the comments on here and risk ruining this movie for me. What is wrong with you people. This is one of the greatest Christmas movies ever. I didn't appreciate this movie as much as a kid as I do now. As a kid it was the gimmicks like the bunny suit, the...
  10. Father

    Things that movies make seem common that really aren't

    (1) Falling from pretty much any height, landing on concrete or pavement and just getting up. Same with being thrown against solid objects, breaking through furniture, glass, etc. and not having multiple fractures, breaks, contusions, etc. (2) Cool looking hacker GUIs... actually just hacking...
  11. Father

    John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (Post-release)

    Chapter 2 was very much a popcorn formula action flick, complete with the preparation montage. But it was still fun if you just turn off your brain.
  12. Father

    So Disney is buying 20th Century Fox?

    HOLY CRAP!!! Just saw this on IMDb I wonder if they will finish out the current Marvel MCU movies and then fire up the reboot machine to include all of the former Fox properties or if they'll phase them into the current MCU. What would you rather see? (and how do you add a poll?)
  13. Father

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Post-release)

    I was too distracted by the inconsistent ghost effect and how bad Yoda looked to enjoy the scene. It also felt like the first time Luke had seen Yoda since ROTJ which would be pretty lame considering he and Annakin and Obi could have guided him with training the next gen of Jedi. Bad story...
  14. Father

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Post-release)

    Was it just me or did yoda look weird... and they made him too unghostly... less blue with the light around him and more just... there. So he was a puppet? Why did they make him look older... or did the original puppet just not age well?
  15. Father

    David Ayer's Bright (Post-release)

    It wasn't bad. The gang banger orcs dressing like typical LA things bothered me at first... I was thinking "how dumb i s that that they don't wear 'traditional' orc clothing". But then I thought about it a bit and realized that (1) they've been mixed in with out society and culture for a while...