The Prop:
A professional firework launcher, where our client can launch fireworks remotely from the safety of their chair. But the special addition is this was completely Ironman Mark 3 inspired.
The Preparation:
We electrically wired and created our own circuit boards wired to switches allowing us to remotely control fireworks to set them off safely. We then customized everything with LED's and pilot switches and put it in a customized Ironman case with built in arc reactor. As an added bonus it came in another custom built Stark Industries firework box with authentic Ironman marvel T-shirt .
Materials Used:
Customized Ironman weathered case
Arc Reactor built in a cave being held captive by the Ten Rings
Varies switches and LED's
Ignighters with wires and other accessories
Foam for customized fit for all items in case
Key switches with customized key and Ironman hand
Ipad mini holder