Lukes landspeeder in SS


Well-Known Member
Im probably biting off more than i can chew here but i have started this one.
This my first attempt at scratch building any hardware.
gonna be 38 freekin inches long.


Nice! So you kitting it? Will it be accurate? Same drawings/dims MicD has? I was going to move on this as well (after Wonderfest), but if you're making a kit, and it's good, I won't reinvent the wheel!
Ahh, gotcha. Honestly, it's usually more trouble than it's worth, heh. Well, I'll keep my plans for a kit in place then! But more importantly, good luck with your scratch build! I'm sure it's going to be amazing, and I'll be checking back here often to see it all unfold!!
From here actually. On a related thread.
micdavis was planning a LS but i guess he got hit by real life and hasnt had the time to move on with it.

Indeed. Go to town. I'd be happy if someone does a kit. I can't see getting back to mine anytime soon.

Great job on the tub.
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