1975 rollerball helmet help


Well-Known Member
I am thinking of doing a rollerball costume for Dcon this year.
I'm a little stuck on the helmet though.
Leather pants are easy enough, as is making the jersey.
I don't think it matters what pads go under the jersey as long as they have some sort of shoulder armor in them.
Leather gloves should be pretty easy to do and I know where to get the studs from.
Now the helmet..is it a motorcycle helmet or a football helmet, or something else all together ?
Originally I thought it was a motorcycle helmet.
However motorcycle helmets do not have circular holes over the ear area.
The rollerball helmets did.
Any ideas ???
Help :)
IIRC, the Rollerball helmets were motorcycle helmet with football face guards attached.

I don't know the month or year but there is an issue of Sports Illustrated that covered the making of the movie, including info on the equipment.
Oh thanks..now not only do I have to research a helmet I have no idea about, now I have to look for an old magazine.
It is a start...thanks
Ive searched around for the Sports Illustrated, and haven't found a thing.
I wonder if there is a lit of Sports Illustrateds somewhere.
The helmet is still something of a mystery.
What throws me off is the holes in the sides of the helmet by the ears.
Unless they took motorcycle helmets and cut out the ear holes on all of them.
The other team helmets all have the same holes, from what I can tell.
Football Helmets didn't have an open enough face to see the actors. So, yeah they cut holes in motorcycle helmets and bolted on chin straps.

After watching some youtube videos, I have to agree.
I'm thinking a 1970's era bell open face motorcycle helmet.
I also think the shin guards are made by cooper.
I saw a few shots where you could see a diamond like shape on the center of the knee.
I'm fairly certain that is the cooper logo.
Looking at pads for under the shirt I think lacrosse pads will work best.
They have the shoulder armour and chest without alot of other areas covered up.
I wonder what the elbow pads were ?
I was looking at making one of the helmets a couple of years ago and just figured it was an old football helmet. I never considered that they were motorcycle helmets, for pretty much the same reasons. Is it possible that the studs are mounted where face shield snaps would be?

You can view old issues of SI at: http://vault.sportsillustrated.cnn.com/ The April 21, 1975 issue seems to have the most info that I've found so far, but doesn't really go into any depth on the props or costumes. http://vault.sportsillustrated.cnn.com/vault/article/magazine/MAG1089752/index.htm

They are definitely motorcycle helmets, but of what make/model I couldn't tell you:


Is it possible that the studs are mounted where face shield snaps would be?

That's the way it appears to me... also the faceguards are bolted exactly where the bottom snaps for a faceshield would be. ;)
Re: 1975 rollerball helmet help
Oh thanks..now not only do I have to research a helmet I have no idea about, now I have to look for an old magazine.

welcome to the world of Prop research :lol
You know looking through those eBay auctions the name Bell Super Magnum rings a bell (haha). I believe that IS the helmet you seek. Plus it sure looks right.
Hey Falken,

Where did you fint the correct (conical) studs?

By the way, I was thinking of doing a Rollerball costume for DragonCon this year as well.

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What ever happened to the interest thread where someone was going to do the shirts with the numbers on them? I SO want one.
What ever happened to the interest thread where someone was going to do the shirts with the numbers on them? I SO want one.

I used to have one. Some vendor in the late 70's had them, they were all over the Cons for years.

We should get ssdesigner to do them with 6 and Houston on the shoulders.
I haven't found any of the parts so far.
Just trying to piece it all together.
Aside from the helmet and the shirt, I think this costume can be done without having to be overly accurate.
I would love to match everything up exact though.
Now I'm not too sure of this just yet, but I am wondering if the gloves they wore are not the same as the Mad Max gloves.
The cone studs I think I can find at a leather supply store.
They certainly won't be perfect sharpened cones though.
I am sure people will criticize this as well, but I have no intention of trying to find a pair of old roller skates to finish this off.
Just some sort of sports looking black leather shoe.
I would love to find out what kind of pads they used for elbows and shoulders.
The elbows seem to be mostly leather, and unless a torn shirt costume is being used any sort of hockey, lacrosse, type pad should work.
I think the hardest part of this costume for me will be to get the design on the helmet on straight.
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