Nova Corps Helmet?


Master Member
Is anyone making these? I have a friend who wants a wearable one.

If I where to do this I would love to get an interest of 5, no prepay, but committed. I can start work after DragonCon, but I would need more reference than the shot above.

This helmet has always been very close to the top of my dream list, so I would be in.
As with any comic related image it changes some with different artists, but the overall look is consistant - there will be plenty of referance. I will start digging some up just in case someone needs it.:love
Sorry to necro...(is 2 months a necro? lol) but I'm doing both a retro Nova and and the modern Nova helmets right now.

If there is interest I can reproduce them.



It's made out of actual metal, but it's very lightweight. Pardon the cardboard starburst. I'm planning on replacing that with laser-cut acrylic. Cost for this would be $350.



Obviously still a work in progress. Once it's done, it will either be fiberglass or resin cast, then painted.

Is anyone still interested?
Sorry to necro...(is 2 months a necro? lol) but I'm doing both a retro Nova and and the modern Nova helmets right now.

If there is interest I can reproduce them.



It's made out of actual metal, but it's very lightweight. Pardon the cardboard starburst. I'm planning on replacing that with laser-cut acrylic. Cost for this would be $350.



Obviously still a work in progress. Once it's done, it will either be fiberglass or resin cast, then painted.

Is anyone still interested?

I need one to finish my NOVA costume!!
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