planned Project: Skeletor from "Masters of the Universe"


New Member
Please let me show my planned Project. It´s Skeletor, a charakter from the famous 80´s toy series "Masters of the Universe". :) :confused

I have no Idea, how can i realize it, but I think: learning by doing. :lol

estimated time: 1 Year
estimatet costs: ???

The main problem will be the skull mask and the body. For the Mask I planned a full head latex mask. The problem: I have to learn al lot about modelling. :unsure

And I don´t know, how can I realize the muscles. There are different options:
  • A painted muscle suite. But I have noch skills vor that. :lol I have to leran a lot.
  • Go to a Gym and pumping iron in combination with body painting. :lol:lol

What do you think?

And please excuse my very bad english. :redface:redface:redface
one of our members "The Batman" sold a skeletor costume not too long ago, it was pretty nice, without all the muscles. might be a cheaper way of doing it for you... heres a pic of his:
There are online FX shops that sell generic muscle suits you can paint. People use them for Superman, Batman, green lanter, etc. I'd start with that.
Si, I decided to make a muscle suite. And this is the first step. ^^ Please don´t laugh at it. It´s my very first try.
I would recommend doing the following

1. Make a cast of your chest and arms
2. Sculpt Muscles on cast
3. Recast sculpts in silicone or latex
4. Paint recasted pieces in desired blue color
5. Attach sculpted pieces to body suit of similar color
6. Add details of muscles with final paint
7. Locate an off-the-shelf mask or do the following
8. Make a cast of your head
9. Sculpt a Skeletor face on cast and recast in latex
10. You can use Vinyl instead of leather to make the suit pieces. Vinyl is available in flat colors and for a costume such as this would work well for the straps of the suit
11. Locate an off-the shelf hood and cloak or make your own.
Let me show you a little update. I´m short of Money and short of time, so I had to improve.^^

I bought a off-the-shelf skeleton Halloween mask, but it looks not accurate. Unfortunately it was only one part. The mask was flabby and the jaw was not movable. It looks awful. look here:

So I cutted it in several pieces. Now I boltered it up with latex. The Jaw, I bolstered up with foamed material (what is the right word? Rubber foam? I don´t now. :() Then, the mask was stabil.
Next I modelled the teeth.

After that, it looks better, but the color was wrong. It should look more comic-like. so I to painted the mask with latex. After that, it really looks like Skeletors head. Finally, I put the Part on an black ski mask.

The next step is the making of the muscle Suite. I told, my money is short. So I decide to use a cheaper procedure. I bought al black lycra catsuit vor men (Please don´t ask, where I bought it.:redface). Then I made a Cast of my body and modelled several muscle part on it. Then recast this parts in latex and pasted it on the Suite.

After that, I painted the hole suite with blue latex. After drying, I painted again and again. I have to paint it many times yet, but I hope it will look good when its finished.

Simultaneous I made the pattern for the armour. Later I will use foamed rubber an synthetic leather. currently it looks like so:

Don´t be afraid, the hood is not the final version.^^ I had to improve with a black T-shirt for the photo. :D
Okay, I had a crazy thought. What about filling the mask with cotton batting in the top to improve the way it sits on your head and maybe attaching it to your face using spirit gum or liquid latex.

I'm not saying there's anything wrong with what you've got. I honestly cannot tell how it fits. It was actually just an idea I had when reading the earlier posts about the mask.

You could find some fake bones for the cross bones on the chest at pretty much any halloween decoration store. Probably need to repaint them though.
This is a good aproach. I sugesst you go a bit more Dead blue / grey colour on the bodysuit. If you take that on top of the existing bodyparts you made it will stand out very good and you will still se the contours of the person. Just like a a human skin with contures.
Okay, I had a crazy thought. What about filling the mask with cotton batting in the top to improve the way it sits on your head and maybe attaching it to your face using spirit gum or liquid latex.

You could find some fake bones for the cross bones on the chest at pretty much any halloween decoration store. Probably need to repaint them though.

Thank you. Thats a possibillity, and I will try.^^ The latex part which I filled the mask is already matched to my nose an forehead. But not 100%.^^
Another idea was to fix the upper part with hook-and-loop fastener on the ski mask. :)

This is a good aproach. I sugesst you go a bit more Dead blue / grey colour on the bodysuit. If you take that on top of the existing bodyparts you made it will stand out very good and you will still se the contours of the person. Just like a a human skin with contures.

Thank you. The suite is a early version. I still have to paint a lot of layers on it. Eventually I really wanted to use a darker blue to highlight the different Body parts.
Furthermore I try to accent the rips with parts of rubber foam.^^

I added more details on the harness and the belt. Also I over-worked the muscle suit. It is now wider and more muskular.

I still think you should have a bodysuit on top. But it looks better and better :)
Awesome work, really !

May I suggest putting some dark mesh inside the eye holes, with those round yellow and red (?) marbles as eyeballs ? I am sure that you planned on doing so anyway ;)


Since you beefed up the upper body, the feet start to look a bit tiny. Maybe giving the boots a bit more weight would counterbalance that. I liked the look before quite well, it was very well weighed.

It´s really inspiring to see this suit, makes me want to look if someone did a Man-At-Arms or other characters !

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Awesome work, really !

May I suggest putting some dark mesh inside the eye holes, with those round yellow and red (?) marbles as eyeballs ? I am sure that you planned on doing so anyway ;)

Thank you^^
Yes, you´re right. I will putting a dark mesh in the eye holes and mybe I also will use two LEDs to create a glowing effect.:)

Since you beefed up the upper body, the feet start to look a bit tiny. Maybe giving the boots a bit more weight would counterbalance that. I liked the look before quite well, it was very well weighed.
Yes, thats true. So I heeded your advice and created heavy boots. It conist of 4 separate pieces. The boots, a shin guard, kee pads and a thing I called "middle part" (sorry, I don´t find the right word).

It´s really inspiring to see this suit, makes me want to look if someone did a Man-At-Arms or other characters !

Believe it or not, but my first idea was a Man-At-Arms costume. But then I decided vor Skeletor. Maybe I will made a Costum from MAA in the future.^^

This Guy has made a few very cool MotU costumes:;cusID=373;cusID=258



The boots:

The wrist band:

The havoc staff.
I startet with modelling a Skull with clay, but i falls from my desk and brokens in one million pieces. :cry So I decide to use other materials. polyfoam and rubber foam. Then I put moltofill on it. Later I will paint it with liquid latex.

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