And yet another....Niart's Zvezda Star Destroyer WIP

That seems incredibly fast for Shapeways, though my last order took less than 3 weeks. I think the resin printers are becoming more ubiquitous at the consumer level. Hopefully I will have a Formlabs soon myself. I am super interested in your prints of the 'crystals' for the bridge

Mine is funny about what is blocked and what isn't. Most modeling sites are fine but I think because this one has mention of costuming it considers it a mature gaming site, go figure. 

I received a shipping notice for my shapeways parts so should be here by Friday. Yay. Then I can see if they actually will work.

I was impressed with the speed of this order as well. I ordered it on Fri the 17th in the mid afternoon and it was being shipped on the 20th mid morning. If it shows up at my door by Friday, or earlier as some do show up a day before the listed estimated delivery day. That's one week from order to my door. Impressive for a manufactured on demand part. I hope it's a sign of the future of printed items.

Got a notice that my parts should be on today so happy happy joy joy. In the meantime I've been adding a little detail here and there to help busy up some of the areas around to make it closer to what the props where. Nothing exact, just hints and gestures of what was there.





Still got a lot more I want to add. It's fun just gluing bits of styrene.

That is one of my favorite parts of model building is adding greeblies where detail is needed.

Awesome job! Thanks for posting!
Is that still 0.6mm on the wedding cake layers that you're drilling - looks smaller. Regardless, loving the additions. Now FIX THE NECK! You've done some serious structural surgery so far, and, hey, someone has to go first! :D
It's supposed to be .6mm but they were bought from Harbor Freight so I'm not sure how accurate it is marked.

As for the neck, I don't know if I'll do anything other than maybe greeblie it up some. The problem in my opinion is that all of the layers are too short and that throws the proportions of the neck off. It would be possible to adjust all of the walls higher but that's more than I want to deal with.

Thanks for checking it out.

Well my Shapeways parts came in. Overall I'm pleased with them. I did underestimate how fragile the antennae would be on the domes and some of them broke while I was removing it from the packaging. I think I can find some plastic rod to fix them but it is a bit frustrating. I may make it a bit larger diameter as long as it doesn't make them look too thick. The engine bells came out really well with only a few spots I'll need to lightly sand to get some print lines out of. You can see in in the pic of the primed bell below. The secondary engine however wasn't able to print the inner circle ridges. I wasn't thinking they would print as it's right below the minimum. So I can either decrease the amount of ridges and make them larger or just live with the way it is. Otherwise it's pretty good. Keep in mind these pics are primed with Tamiya spray insignia white. If I'd used an airbrush I would've had more control and such, but for me I think it's fine. Comments, critiques and suggestions welcome!





Thanks for checking it out.

Your domes look WAY BETTER than the kit brings!

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Yeah, I've got to say, I wasn't thinking there was much point in replacing the domes, but those look absolutely FANTASTIC next to the kit parts. The engines are also impressive. They look...and this may sound weird given they're 3D designed...somehow more organically kit-bashed, like the original miniature.
When the domes are in the Shapeways shop for sale, I'm ready to order up a pair. My ZSD is somewhere between Nassau, NY and Tucson, AZ. Slowly creeping west...
As a percentage, how much thicker will the larger diameter antenna be? Will they be noticeably thicker? Suggestion: A slight taper to the current diameter at the tip may help strength whilst preserving at least some of the current look. They are indeed gorgeous!
Thanks guys! I really appreciate it. Some areas are either ok as-is or easy enough to modify with traditional scratch building but the domes and the bells to me are pretty obviously off and are beyond my scratch build skill-set. I don't want to get caught in the trap of 3D printing everything though so I'm resisting the temptation to do too much.

I do have a small update. I've been busy-ing up the rear engine area. That's one area that is really really greeblied out on the the real deal so I want to somewhat represent that complexity of the studio prop. Here are a few shots showing the beginnings of that work. Some parts are kit-bashed (in the spirit of the original modelers) and some are just bits and pieces of styrene rod and strips.



And a preliminary view of what it might look like when I get the bells on. Thankfully the bell covers a lot of the sparseness, but I think some detail should be peaking from behind the bells.


Thanks for looking. I still have to source my fiber optics and finish drilling all the holes. A long ways to go before I get some paint on this sucker. But having fun along the way.

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