Do3D Mark III War Machine Build

Doing a test fit. Back and chest are now fiberglassed reinforced. Also, just made a aluminum/foam exoskeleton suit similar to's design for holding the chest, shoulders and back peice up. Will show some pictures shortly on its design once I get a little closer. Will then do some smoothing, filling and painting of the chest parts and then decals (will be done in adobe photoshop and made with a Vinyl cutter).
An oil wash is basically some black oil paint mixed with naphtha or a thinner then brushed over certain areas to give it that dirty look. However, I ended up using charcoal ash and then put a Matte clear coat over it.
Wooot..this is truly amazing! Anyways.. i'm planning to get a Rostock to myself.. what are your experiences with it as well as with deltas? Lots of people really hate them.
Thanks VenomCF. The Rostock to me has been a workhorse, however I still had a few challenges in the begining that I ended up overcoming (LCD issues).

Was wondering if anyone out there would be willing to share some sketches I might be able to use. Im currently trying to build my sketch for the unibeam. For the suit I will be using the arduino based tinycircuts board (Audio shield also included). I started experimenting with the colors for my unibeam using the following sketch however I'm not sure how to make this do a gradual increase in brightness like you would see in a power up. I wanted to make this do it at the push of a button. Any assistance that anyone might be able to provide I would be extremely grateful. Once i get that sorted then I want to incorporate the sound with it via a wav file from the audio board.

#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>

#define PIN 6

Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(12, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);

void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
strip.begin();; // Initialize all pixels to 'off'

void loop() {

for ( int led=0; led<12; led++){
strip.setPixelColor(led, 180,20,2);;
delay (5);


for ( int led=0; led<12; led++){
strip.setPixelColor(led, 200,25,0);;
delay (5);
Finished the biceps and a few other aspects. Should have the upper body totally complete here is a few weeks. Still working on designing a mechanism for the shoulder gun in CAD, just taking my time. I discovered a good technique for battle damage smoke. I basically took a rag and wiped the inside of my fireplace with it and then wiped the armor with the residue and the used a Matte clear coat over it. Anyways here are some of the latest to include a little bit of some of the electronics in progress (Thanks to Devildog).




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What did you use for the decals? Are they individual or did you mask and paint? Looking amazing. I have a set of files as well and will be starting my build eventually. How do you find the comfort of the fit between war machine and the mk 45?
What did you use for the decals? Are they individual or did you mask and paint? Looking amazing. I have a set of files as well and will be starting my build eventually. How do you find the comfort of the fit between war machine and the mk 45?

The decals were custom designed in Adobe Illustrator and then printed via a vinyl cutter machine and then transferred to transfer paper for alignment and placement on the armor.
Finally finished the helmet, just need to add a few more grey detail lines dirty it up a bit and then add electronics hinges next.

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