Galactic Resin Xwing build

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Sr Member
This will be my first resin build and my first use of fiber optics. Any suggestions for a new resin guy? Tips tricks? Anything and everything welcome here. Looking forward to the build.
The Galactic Resin x-wing will go together simply and smoothly. No worries.
Use a bit of 3/32" brass rod to pin the wings to the fuselage.
Excellent tip. Please share what you know. Paints techniques etc. I am wanting to make the cockpit epic awesome. I saw once upon a time there was a diffrent cockpit. It was for the CC/Atomic city version. No idea if it would even fit in Rays.

Also please advise on mounting options and supports for inside the model itself.
This is a great kit and looks fantastic when lit up and done! Like any resin kit you will have to get creative in running your wires and lighting through the wings and engines.
I just got confirmation it is recasted and I am not cool with people doing that so I guess I will look around for a Salzo. I know the Atomic city dude had a stroke not long ago so he is out I think.
Mods can close or lock the thread it looks like these are a PIA to come by these days. Thanks for the tips though. When I do pick one up (eventually) these tips will come in handy.
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