I turn imaginary things into real devices. What should I make next?


New Member
I've always found immense inspiration in books and movies - especially science fiction - and every now and then I look at the technology on my bench and realize it's possible to build it. Or at least, a closer approximation than we had.

Here's the kind of thing I mean: I just built a Lightsaber that finally makes you feel like you're actually holding one.

Before that I built a Linux smartwatch into a Captn' Jack Harkness "Vortex Manipulator". (Which required inventing a new user input system)

I like to build and fly robots around. They're not fully autonomous yet, I treat them more like an extension of me: But I never crash, so it's not very interesting to watch.

I suppose in one sense I don't really make props, but actual things. But they're not completely "real" either. They explore the space in between. Artifacts, perhaps.

So, what should I make next? I need ideas! Inspiration Fuel!

What small, overlooked, simple device, or ability, exists in your favorite 'verse, that you always thought should exist in this one? Gadgets from old cartoons? Even alien sensory capabilities.

Some caveats; it's got to be physically possible. No working TARDISs... can't get the exotic matter parts. I've tried.

And it MUST NOT be a weapon. No Baterangs, plasma pistols, tank missiles, projectiles, or directed energy systems of any kind. Real ones of those are NOT fun. And you can't take them to cons.

Ineffective anti-weapons are cool. (like lightsabers - a huge unmissable glowing buzzing plastic round bouncy "sword" which is fundamentally less dangerous than a broom handle, that's totally fine. Although, in truth, mine could potentially start fires if mishandled badly.)

I'm also interested in collaborations with people who have skills that I don't... prosthetics, costuming, cosplay, social media... who might be interested in longer-term projects. I'm into wearables now, and a touch of transhumanism too. Time to raise the bar on the species.

I'm always ready to discuss crazy ideas at unorthodox.engineers@gmail.com and I'll be checking in here regularly to answer questions.

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Couldn't say what to make as I have never had an original idea!! Great stuff though. On a side note, where did you get that acrylic galaxy thing? And does it look good lit up?
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh a visionary ! what to make next? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm I will try to come up with a worthy question:angel
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Well, since you programmed an app for the vortex manipulator, perhaps you'd like to make a program for the PipBoy from Fallout?
That would be a physical build thing more than software... I didn't really make a specific vortex manipulator 'app', it's just a standard linux desktop squished into the form factor.

The PipBoy had already kind of been done, and it's also freakin' HUGE. Have you seen an accurate sized one? Most of the forearm! It's practically greaves! I really like the manipulator because it's completely taken for granted... everyone takes one look at it and thinks "well, of _course_ future humans keep their keys/wallet/watch/mobile/time-machine on a cool beat up leather wrist-strap." and I notice things that are taken for granted.

The store-bought toy version turned out to be rather scaled down from the screen-accurate prop (I asked the guy who made it) and so half the challenge was fitting it in. At some point, I realized what I was doing was pretty much unrepeatable, likely to burst the toy open at any moment, and it was turning into more "what does it take to fit it all in? mythbusters style!" but I learned a great deal. One day I plan to repeat it, scaled up about 20% and with the major flaws improved.

Oh, so many major flaws. But it did work as designed, and somehow it fit.
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