Nicolas Winding Refn’s The Neon Demon (Post-release)

Re: Nicolas Winding Refn’s The Neon Demon

Been waiting for what was next from Refn. This looks sublime. So stylish, huge ego commentary, greed, looks stunning. :thumbsup
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Re: Nicolas Winding Refn’s The Neon Demon

EricVespe: "I've talked with Refn many times. I think he was far happier to see me struggling with Only God Forgives than ecstatic over Drive."

EricVespe: "So, if you're worried that he's bummed that he got booed at Cannes, don't be. He loves making divisive movies."

It had its moments, but I don't think I will ever watch Only God Forgives a second time, still back in 2013 I was glad to have experienced it and its weirdness.

The fact that The Neon Demon got booed at Cannes makes me even more excited about it.

One of the positive reactions on Twitter. Oh boy.

Richard Lawson: "THE NEON DEMON: glam sleaze that drags in the middle but has a wonderfully crazy finale. Abbey Lee is amazing. Plus necrophilia!"

GuyLodge: "NEON DEMON (B/B+) The fashion industry is easy to satirise. To reflect it back at itself, with equivalent beauty and perversity, is harder."

GuyLodge: "Minutes into NEON DEMON, I knew that a) it'd be booed, and b) I'll recall images from it long after more respectable Cannes films evaporate."
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