New project for 2016 - Skeletor

Muscle suit finally arrived. The color is not perfect but I'm going to make do.

Also I started on the chest piece. Starting it in EVA foam. I may cover it in worbla. I haven't decided yet.

Picked up one of those 3D pens to draw details on the armor. It's a little blobby but not bad. I'll get the hang of it. At a distance I'm sure it will look fine.

All assembled. I'll paint it tomorrow and see how it looks.

cool project, are you going to get some of those shoes with the 5 toes to have something on your feet to walk around with?

BTW that sculpt seems to look like he is more Webstor color skin than the good old light blue rigormortous skin.
Thanks. Yeah I'm not sure about the feet yet. I might just do boots. Or maybe make some tips and just glue them to shoes. I'll get to it eventually.

Yeah the sculpture is much darker blue than the cartoon or the toys. I like it.
I can't decide if I want to use these hands or not. I think they look super cool. But it would be more accurate to paint my hands blue and put on fake claws. Might try both and see which I like better.
Love the gloves & back hand details, looking good.


I think I'm going to go with the painted hand and claws route. The gloves are cool but will essentially render my hands useless. I'll still use the hand plates though.

Working on the gauntlets now. Hopefully will have pics this weekend.
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